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Artist Spotlight

Milla Thyme Exclusive Interview With Honk Magazine

Milla Thyme is a true, devout artist, building on the foundations set before him, and fearlessly molding it to the present day and time. Raised in Toronto and based out of Montreal, Milla Thyme’s artistry is undoubtedly remarkable, on a technical level few can replicate what he does. By intertwining his skills as a rapper, bassist, and producer/composer, he has set the stage for himself as a socially conscious rapper and proficient musician. We had an interview with Milla Thyme and here is what he had to say.


  1. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?


Milla Thyme- There is no Hollywood, theatrical story about what brought me here, music has just been a part of my life. For as long as I can remember I have lived music, starting playing drums at 11, bass at 15 and all along writing songs and poetry until I discovered hip-hip in high school. Now in terms of actually saying to myself “ok I can be an artist” happened when I graduated college with a diploma in Jazz and got my first real contract on a cruise ship with one of the bands. It was an amazing experience to see the world and play 5 sets a night. At some point after playing other people’s music every night I said to myself “If they can write and make their own music so can I”. That’s how I began my journey as an artist. 


  1. Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?


Milla Thyme- It’s not so much a story but more interesting encounters. Since both my parents work in the arts there are many people who they have built relationships with or helped along the way who now know who I am. Now I am hanging out with the older generation of creatives who saw me grow up and are taking me out to lunch and telling stories of themselves and my parents coming up in the city, its beautiful. 


  1. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?


Milla Thyme- When I was 18, like every other 18 year old I thought I was something special. Me and my friends were booking shows, we had clout, and I thought I knew everything. After high school I wanted to study music formally but because I was too full of myself I didn’t want to admit that I might not be at the level to get into these universities music programs. Well, life has a funny way of teaching you…I went into 3 different auditions and didn’t get accepted into any music programs, that brought me down to reality. I learned that day that don’t go into any situation thinking you are king of the hill, more likely than not you will find out you are closer to the worst than the best. 


  1. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?


Milla Thyme- I just released my debut album so that in itself has been an incredibly amazing experience, all the love and time that went into it. The feedback I have been getting has been very satisfying, so many people have been sending me messages about what songs have touched them and or spoke to a situation they were going through. 


  1. Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?


Milla Thyme- I’m an old soul so when I get the chance to talk with artists and musicians who have done it all that motivates me to keep going. I often play at church with one of the keyboardists who toured with Janet Jackson and Tina Turner so getting to hear stories about the industry has helped provide me with clarity when I have needed it. 


  1. Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?


Milla Thyme- First of all surround yourself with positive people who are going to encourage you! Next it is essential to have a support system. Whether it’s your parents or the team you have you need others to help you along the way, you can’t do it yourself. There are a lot of folks out there saying “I did it all on my own” or “you gotta do it yourself” but I don’t believe that…It is essential you have a team.


  1. You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure? 


Milla Thyme- Do it for the right reasons…if your goal is to get famous or a whole lot of money, women,  or most of what they are portraying in music videos then you are clowning yourself and ultimately setting yourself up for failure. Music is a gift, remember that, be true to it. After that be disciplined, consistent and strive to make the best music you possibly can, push yourself. 


  1. Can you share with our readers any self care routines, practices or treatments that you do to help your body, mind or heart to thrive? Kindly share a story or an example for each.


Milla Thyme- Believe in something higher than yourself. I’m christian so I do my best to follow the teachings I have read and lived. It doesn’t mean I am perfect but it means I answer to someone higher than myself. For routines and practices, lately I have been waking up early and working out. For me it really helps center my mind. For my heart I try to call people up and just talk to them, if they need encouragement or support then I am there for them. When you give to others it actually makes you feel good, I discovered this a few years ago and haven’t looked back since. 


  1. What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.


Milla Thyme



1) Everything is speculation until you actually sign a contract



 2) Make sure you know just as many people in the industry as you do artists/musicians 



3) The community it small, do your best not to make enemies 



4) Having a basic business understanding is just as important as your craft



5) Work on your ego 


  1. Can you please give us your favorite  “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life? 


Milla Thyme- I take a lot of inspiration from my Dad and he told me once, when talking about having a career in the arts “you want to make sure others want to see you succeed”. What I loved about it is that I had to fill in the blanks myself, I had to figure out what he meant by that. Since I have come to realize that all the lessons that I have learned in my life about giving to others, sharing my gifts and encouraging my fellow colleagues and friends are the ways to get people on your side. 


  1. None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?


Milla Thyme- As I said before in my last answer my dad has inspired me a lot. We didn’t always get along when I was younger but now I have a lot of respect for him. I really owe a lot to his council throughout the years. 


  1. You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement  that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂


Milla Thyme- That’s a hard question to answer, to be honest I don’t know. I feel like there is a huge disconnection between the elderly and the rest of society. We used to reverie them and now we put them in long term care facilities, I think it’s messed up. If there were a movement I would to either start or partake in I think it would have to do with connecting generations, to talk to one another and re-establish that connection between young and old. 


  1. We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this. 🙂


Milla Thyme- Quincy Jones, hands down. The man has had a career twice as long as I have been alive for. I obviously admire him for all his music and achievements that go along with it but I really respect how he has not been afraid to push the envelope and develop future generations of trailblazers, that is a CEO mentality. When I make music in the studio I try to remember quotes from his memoirs which I read in high school. 



14 How can our readers follow you online?



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Artist Spotlight

V of 40M unpacks revolutionary vibes with his new single, “The Score”

V of 40M

The Score” is the newest single by V of 40M, a renowned artist from the United States, released under the Forty Million Strong (40M) label. This musical piece can be regarded as a sonic manifesto for those who feel disconnected, disillusioned, and rebellious. Through this song, V captures the intricacies of the struggle and channels them into a musical insurgency.

Collaborating with the visionary producer LABACK, V creates a sonic battleground that vibrates with urgency and purpose, where the revolutionary spirit is set to challenge the status quo. With the participation of fellow 40M luminaries, 40M Tye and Hippie G, the chorus of resistance in “The Score” becomes more than a mere musical piece; it is a movement encapsulated in melody.


Drawing inspiration from The Fugees and their timeless legendary, V of 40M infuses his signature revolutionary fervor into every verse. With razor-sharp lyricism and a cadence demanding attention, he paints a portrait of defiance against oppression and a call to arms for those seeking liberation, to be heard and felt.


V’s artistry extends beyond music, encompassing the ethos of the Black Independence people’s movement known as Forty Million Strong (40M). This movement advocates for sovereign land and autonomous rule, and each lyric and every beat in V’s work champions this quest. The message resonates far beyond the walls of the recording studio, making “The Score” a sonic beacon of authenticity.

The song’s distinguishing features are its unapologetic conviction and captivating rhythm, which assertively remind listeners that the struggle for freedom is far from over. Its inclusion in playlists is justifiable, given its significance as a touchstone for a generation seeking their voice. So join the revolution and turn up the volume.



For more information about V of 40M, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM V of 40M’s The Score on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH V of 40M | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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Artist Spotlight

Jeff Lake illuminates the melodic soul of nightlife with “Midnight Sun”

Jeff Lake

Jeff Lake’s latest single, “Midnight Sun,” is a masterful blend of diverse musical influences interweaving to create a timeless and refreshing sound. The song features a rhythmic, rap-infused vocal hook that draws inspiration from 80s rock anthems, paying homage to the legendary Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song,” while adding a unique touch.

The lyrics of “Midnight Sun” delve into universal themes of detachment, displacement, and the struggles artists face in navigating a rapidly changing world. Lake’s introspective lyrics resonate deeply, touching on the raw emotions of depression and the quest for belonging.


Jeff is an accomplished songwriter and performer with a rich backstory that adds depth to his musical prowess. The song “Midnight Sun” has gained popularity as a universal anthem with its captivating and melodious tune. Jeff has had the privilege of sharing the stage with esteemed members of bands such as Styx and Trans Siberian Orchestra. Jeff’s love for music has driven him to perfect his skills in the vibrant music scene of Brooklyn. He inspires budding musicians with his unwavering commitment to his art. Jeff performed his first professional gig at 17 and subsequently pursued music as a full-time career, demonstrating his determination and resilience.


Midnight Sun” represents a sonic exploration of Lake’s unequivocal passion for music and his remarkable ability to encapsulate complex emotions within a melodic embrace. The song’s infectious energy and thought-provoking lyrics establish it as a true masterpiece that merits attention from even the most discerning music enthusiasts who appreciate music’s artistry and innovation.

Midnight Sun” by Jeff Lake shines bright, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the listener’s soul with its radiant melody. Its enchanting vibes transcends boundaries and inspires one to dance, inviting the audience to revel in its boundless creativity.



For more information about Jeff Lake, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Jeff Lake’s Midnight Sun on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Jeff Lake | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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