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Exclusive Interview with DDB YAYO – New Rising Star

Meet Elijah Christian whose stage name is DDB YAYO from JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, is a Rising Star already taking the American music scene to the top. He is an upcoming musician and songwriter – DDB YAYO.

DDB YAYO is a 21-year-old artist who exceeds high levels of passion, determination, and commitment to make it huge in the music industry. Among different business industries and artistic fields, we come across people who radiate a different level of energy, passion, and commitment when it comes to their niche business.


The music industry, especially in America has welcomed many such talents; however, a few of them have completely astounded people worldwide with their pure will and talents combined with their outstanding skills as a musician and artist such as DDB YAYO.

We came across one such high-performing “Rising Star”, named DDB YAYO, who has made his grand entry this year and still has gone ahead in gaining much momentum with his music. Asked DDB YAYO what is driving him towards becoming the artist he is today and this 21-year-old talent says, “My love and passion for music and the quest to make my unique niche with music in the vast American music scene.”


DDB YAYO was born in Jamaica, Queens, and grew more inclination towards writing songs and found his peace in music. Early in life, his father had a home studio in the family basement, where this young talent would spend hours working upon his craft. However, no success story was ever built without any challenges and DDB YAYO had his own share of his struggles before he reached where he is today.

In 2007 he moved to Florida at the age of 7 and while in school growing up, he was expelled in his 7th-grade school in winter springs Florida. He went to another alternative school, where everyone desired to become a rapper. Hence, at the age of 13, DDB YAYO started with rapping and continued till 18 years of age and then started taking his talents seriously.


We had the privilege to interview DDB YAYO and there are more to read about DDB YAYO:





  1. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

DDB YAYO: I use to see my dad in the basement every day when I was young doing music. I use to listen to him every day and it inspired me. Had me thinking when I grow up I wanna be just like him with music I have never seen someone so dedicated. I started rapping around the age of 13 and stuck to it until the age of 18 when I found out I can sing then I started to mix both. Now I’m on the path of becoming the next upcoming artist and I’m truly blessed.

  1. Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?

DDB YAYO: I would say that starting my first music videos is my most interesting story! It took me all these years and I finally dropped a video which is out now on YouTube called “Lemme lone” By me DDB YAYO. I also have another music video coming up to my EP song “freestyle” which is going to be an eye-opener for the industry!

  1. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

DDB YAYO: The funniest mistake I made was uploading my EP with 1 minute of dead sound at the end. I should have checked before uploading but now that most videos have over 10k views I don’t even wanna put it down so I know for next time to always check and LESSON LEARNED.

  1. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

DDB YAYO: The most interesting project I’m working on now, I would say is my videos. I’m working on and the song that I have out with CMG labeled artist trill will be called “AND I” out now on all platforms!

  1. Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?

DDB YAYO: Dj taj is definitely one. We started chatting back in 2015-2016 way before his fan base went up he currently is verified on all social platforms now! And if we wouldn’t have pushed each other as we did back in the days, I don’t think that we would be where we are now. I and him use to always network together, always trying to help each other grow our social media, and now look both of us are now successful in what we do!

  1. Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

DDB YAYO: Keep pushing, do not give up. Even when it seems like you’re not going anywhere, that’s not the point, it takes years to build and you will eventually get what you put it.

  1. You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?

DDB YAYO: When you feel like your falling, pick yourself back up because this life nobody is there but you and if you want people to hear you, you have to keep that positive energy, you give out negative energy that’s what you’ll receive.

  1. Can you share with our readers any self-care routines, practices, or treatments that you do to help your body, mind, or heart to thrive? Kindly share a story or an example for each.

DDB YAYO: Every day I wake up and start cleaning even if something was already clean. What about self-meditation, for me it really clears the mind and after that, I go for an hour work and because with music you have to have a lot of energy and be hydrated to even sound like something! Can’t sound dull on the track.

  1. What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.

DDB YAYO: (1). That marketing was the main key to getting your music out there. Without knowing that I was confused and getting little to no views.

DDB YAYO: (2). That, I need to know how to work social media algorithms that would boost my presence.

DDB YAYO: (3). That, I needed to work on myself if I really wanted to get anywhere. But now I have my own Google Knowledge Panel.


DDB YAYO: (4). Social media was a big factor. Without having a good following on social media little to nobody would see your music.

DDB YAYO: (5). Distributing to all music platforms, I use to only post on YouTube until I figured myself that there were distribution sites to get my music on all platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, etc.

  1. Can you please give us your favorite  “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?


This quote is really relevant in my life because this is the quote I live by I would never give up and would just keep going.

  1. None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

DDB YAYO: I am grateful towards my manager trill Will he has helped me jump-start my career tremendously and he’s not just my manager he’s my Friend! We knew each other for about 2 years now but he believed in what I do and let me hop on the music train!

  1. You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

DDB YAYO: I would love to start a charity for the kids or even adults who can’t afford to get an education. That’s a big thing. I wasn’t able to finish high school and later during the years I realized how much that would benefit me and I wouldn’t want the next person to make the same mistakes

  1. We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might see this. 🙂

DDB YAYO: Rod wave or Hotboii or even Hittem’up Rondo because they are all music artists I can relate to and would love to talk about collaborating on future projects.

14 How can our readers follow you online?


DDB YAYO: Follow me on:






Michael Odu is the founder of Goshenvilla Limited and official Interviewer of Honk Magazine. He shares stories of inspiring entrepreneurs from all around the world and tips to create a better life & business.

Artist Spotlight

“Lost On You” by Isla Rico stirs a captivating anthem for the brave and uncertain

Isla Rico

This rapidly emerging Manchester-based alt-pop Isla Rico’s latest single, “Lost On You,” evokes a cinematic moment on a misty night when the early morning haze of regret coalesces. Deeply personal yet anthemic, it invites listeners to wrestle with those shadows of longing we all carry. Comprised of Cal Richards, Jasper Whitehead, and Harvey Rafferty, the band blends the edginess of indie rock with an ambient synth landscape, meticulously refining its signature alt-pop sound to enhance the song’s vibrant tone.

In “Lost On You,” Cal Richards’ enchanting vocals glide over the instrumental like a trusted guide, soft yet commanding, creating a lyrical intensity that mirrors the track’s moody, soaring melodies. Jasper Whitehead’s dynamic lead guitar riffs and synths feature an atmospheric canvas reflecting the uncertainties inherent in desiring someone whose feelings are unsure. Harvey Rafferty’s rhythmic guitar pulses and intricate harmonies ground the song in something beautifully vulnerable and relatable. The trio expertly marries Brit-pop-style drums with sparkling melodies, producing an undeniably authentic and creatively innovative sound.


The heartfelt lyricism in this production is particularly noteworthy, as it establishes a steady heartbeat amid its swirling emotions. Each verse builds on the previous, evoking a sense of unresolved yearning as if Richards is singing directly to that part of ourselves that gets “lost” in what could have been. The reflective yet uplifting chorus crescendos resonate with echoes of inner conflict and quiet confidence.


Following the success of their debut EP, Eternal Optimist, “Lost On You” marks an exciting indie masterpiece reflecting Isla Rico’s growth as an artist. With each listen, “Lost On You” transcends the label of a mere song, evolving instead into a soundtrack to those fleeting unforgettable experiences where uncertainty meets sharp musicality and emotional possibility. It brings a fresh perspective on alt-pop innovation, skillfully exploring the beauty of what’s unsaid, and it’s sure to stick with listeners, leaving a lasting impression on its audience.



CLICK HERE TO STREAM Isla Rico’s Lost On You on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Isla Rico | Instagram | Twitter

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Artist Spotlight

Diana Omar stirs anthemic revelation via her new single “Sore Throat”

Diana Omar

With “Sore Throat,” Diana Omar dives headfirst into rock melodies with Pop sensibilities, and the result is electrifying. Inspired by a literal sore throat from a summer bout of pharyngitis, Diana transforms discomfort into a high-energy anthem, blending a powerful 90s guitar riff with modern electronic undertones that give the song a nostalgic edge. This sonic exploration is masterfully loud and unapologetic, echoing the rebellious spirit of classic rock while embracing a modern twist.


Diana’s vocal delivery is packed with the perfect amount of grit, swinging from vulnerable whispers to full-throated cries that bring the song’s themes to life. Her lyrical pulse encapsulates the raw intensity and emotional depth that many listeners can relate to, articulating the gnawing discomfort we push through in times of stress, isolation, or illness and the eventual cathartic release that follows. It’s as much about literal pain as it is about finding strength in vulnerability, making it relatable on more levels than one.

Beyond her musical accomplishments, Diana Omar is a noteworthy musician and a passionate advocate for students from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM fields. She is balancing her life as a Yale student and a rising independent artist and songwriter, breaking new ground across multiple disciplines. This dual identity only enriches her artistic expression, providing a distinctive perspective that enhances her appeal. Through “Sore Throat,” Diana Omar firmly establishes her presence in the music industry while simultaneously emerging as a significant voice in other spheres. This compelling anthem is a testament to her growth as an artist and reflects her dedication to sharing her experiences, offering hope and inspiration to those facing their challenges.



For more information about Diana Omar, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Diana Omar’s Sore Throat on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Diana Omar | Instagram | Twitter

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