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Rusty Reid Rusty Reid


“HEAD TO HEART (Remix)” by Rusty Reid stirs a heartstring anthem in romance

In today’s era of rampant societal division, musician and lyricist Rusty Reid conveys a more necessary charm through a deeply impactful revolutionary manifesto wrapped in an infectious blend of indie-folk, pop, and country-rock vibes with his latest single, “HEAD TO HEART (Remix),” featured on the album ‘Head to Heart.’ Originally from Texas, Reid, now situated in the Pacific Northwest, has interwoven Southern heritage and Northern introspection throughout this track. This remix sharpens the edges of a powerful piece, enhancing the aural quality without losing the raw, philosophical punch that characterizes Reid’s musical introspection.


HEAD TO HEART (Remix)” beckons listeners into an auditory odyssey, a spiritual pilgrimage transcending traditional genre confines. The track suggests that life’s hurdles are not just obstacles but propellants guiding individuals toward a heightened consciousness, indicating that love, in its purest form, is the ultimate path to spiritual awakening. Reid’s lyrics constitute a personal reflection and a plea to reevaluate our world through the prism of love, prompting the audience to establish a nexus between the intellect and the heart, bridging our cognitive faculties with our deepest sentiments.

Reid’s rendition and vocal delivery have a palpable sense of urgency, evoking a spirited transformative sensation with a sagacity touch of revolution wisdom. Rather than being an aggressive call to action, his performance seems more like a plea for introspection and personal growth. This remastered version reinvigorates the original piece, infusing it with renewed vitality. Reid, calling this his “opus,” aims to attract a broader audience and spark a collective shift in consciousness. If you’re searching for music that resonates on a deeper level, “HEAD TO HEART (Remix)” is a must-listen.



For more information about Rusty Reid, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Rusty Reid’s HEAD TO HEART (Remix)” on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Rusty Reid | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |


Artist Spotlight

The Project drops a thrilling rock nostalgia in its newest release, “Hold On Tight”

The Project

The electrifying new single, “Hold On Tight,” strum by The Project, is a thrilling dive into anthemic rock charm with a catchy pop twist that grabs listeners’ attention. Led by the mastermind of the Cali-rock veteran, James Davis, the band delivers a high-octane track that feels like a passionate love letter to the best of the 80s rock anthems with a modern pop twist that keeps it fresh. Davis, known for his scorching guitar riffs as lead guitarist since his days with ‘Shameless,’ amps the intensity, proving his back more robust and versatile. This one’s worth holding on to come from the heart of a supergroup built on pure talent and chemistry.


Hold On Tight” has a palpable energy that sets it apart, allowing it to maintain its grit and sleek melodic sound. The razor-sharp guitar riffs, courtesy of producer Dennis Hill’s expert production, punch through the mix with just the right amount of swagger. Jeff Plant’s powerhouse vocals give the song a bold edge, pushing the lyrics with conviction as they echo through the chorus filled with imagery of seizing the moment that channels a sense of urgency like a final call to brace yourself for life’s wild ride. It’s fast, it’s loud, and it’s unapologetically anthemic.

Teaming up with Erik Ferentinos and the heavy-hitting Arron Rossi on drums, The Project has created a nostalgic atmosphere for Davis’ longtime fans and the new generation, honoring the roots that made him a Southern California rock staple while driving headfirst into a sonic time machine of the future. Fans of classic rock and pop will find a lot to love here. The Project’s metallic edge, blended with pop sensibility, makes “Hold On Tight” an exciting listen and the perfect companion for your next road trip. Just be sure to buckle up and lose yourself in the sound soaring in true stadium-rock fashion. It will be a thrilling ride.


For more information about The Project, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM The Project’s Hold On Tight on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH The Project | Facebook |

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Artist Spotlight

Anthony Russell Radiates Sunshine with New Single ‘Summer Child’. A Heartfelt Ode to Life and Legacy

Liverpool-based singer and songwriter Anthony Russell has released a new song, “Summer Child.” The nostalgic song is the first track from his upcoming album, Street Songs.
He gained popularity with his first album, By The River, and has performed at various music festivals and shows. He presents a fresh sound in Summer Child while staying true to his soulful style.


Summer Child holds deep meaning for Billy’s family, whom Anthony honors through powerful references to Billy’s life, legacy, and spirit. Through his soulful voice and moving lyrics, he captures the bittersweet balance of remembering someone while continuing to live in their memory. Anthony’s storytelling feels deeply personal, creating a strong emotional connection with his audience.

The song is a heartfelt tribute to those we’ve lost too soon. Anthony taps into personal grief, weaving it into a melody that shines with hope and empowerment. Street Songs will explore his experiences more and will feature collaborations with artists from different music genres.


The song video reflects on life’s fleeting moments, carried by his captivating voice. Listen to Summer Child now, and prepare for more vibrant stories with Street Songs.



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