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Artist Spotlight

How A Trained Army Officer Turned Musician By Walker Vernal Seldon




Walker Vernal Seldon was born on 18th May 1994. He was popularly known as Selldretti being an African-American Rapper, Songwriter, Producer, and Entrepreneur. He is the founder of Selldretti Music and is a trained Army turned Musician. His first song on iTunes was Vice N Palas and grew so fast where he created his label and brand called Selldretti Music. On the military side, he became the first African American male from Columbus, GA to graduate from the United States Military Academy.



He was inspired by Dorian of Dorian Group 82, a rapper/entrepreneur who likes to share his knowledge about the music industry and avoid many pitfalls.



For those who need Tips to get into the music industry, Walker Vernal Seldon recommends that being consistent and believing in yourself is key. That the music business is filled with lies and you have to do a lot of filtration to see real people in this industry. 



It was a rare privilege to have this exclusive interview with Walker Vernal Seldon and hope you read more below:









1. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?



Walker Vernal Seldon: I joined the Army right after high school in 2012 and was stationed in Fort Drum for about 2 years. While I was there, I received an opportunity to apply to the United States Military Academy. I was accepted to the prep school in 2014 and attended the academy in 2015. While I was in college, my brother suggested I take music seriously so I began recording music on my phone in the basement of my dorm building. 



From there I released my first song on iTunes called Vics N Palas, and from there I began to take music seriously. I did a lot of research on building a brand and starting a business, so at that point, I created Selldretti Music, which is the name of my label and my brand. From there I have grown my catalog and built my brand into a business not only for music but for merchandise as well. On the military side, I became the first African American male from Columbus, GA to graduate from the United States Military Academy.




2. Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?



Walker Vernal Seldon: The most interesting story is when one of my recently released songs charted #1 on the iTunes Hip Hop/Rap Charts.





3. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?



Walker Vernal Seldon: One of the funniest mistakes I have made was releasing songs as singles and making one of the cover arts to one of the singles the album cover for all the songs I released. I learned that releasing songs and albums required a lot of planning on the front end.




4. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?



 Walker Vernal Seldon: I am currently working on a collaboration with one of my former rap group members named LBS (pronounced “Pounds”). The release date is not confirmed at this time.





5. Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?



Walker Vernal Seldon: I have interacted with Dorian at Dorian Group 82. He is a rapper/entrepreneur who shares his knowledge about the music industry and avoids a lot of pitfalls. I don’t have any stories per se, but he is a good dude and I appreciate his willingness to help us make it to the top. 




6. Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?



Walker Vernal Seldon: I recommend being consistent and believing in themselves. The music business is filled with lies and it’s not a lot of real people in this industry that will be real with you. Always stay true to who you are and believe in yourself and your craft because nobody else will do more than you do.





7. You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?



Walker Vernal Seldon: Embrace failure. Failure is going to be the root of all of your success. Don’t be afraid to take risks and fail, but you are going to learn from those failures and become that much better the next time thus moving further and further up the success chain. 



8. Can you share with our readers any self-care routines, practices, or treatments that you do to help your body, mind, or heart to thrive? Kindly share a story or an example for each.



Walker Vernal Seldon: Myself care consists of praying with my Wife or having conversations with God. I play my PS4 to decompress from stress or simply rest on my couch or bed.  




9. What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.



Walker Vernal Seldon: a. Build a brand: It is one of the most important things to do to be successful.



Walker Vernal Seldon: b. Find an engineer: My earlier music would’ve sounded so much better.



Walker Vernal Seldon: c. Don’t do everything yourself: I was getting burned out a lot but now I have people to do things for me.



Walker Vernal Seldon: d. Create a press kit: Makes it easier for publications and fans to know exactly who you are.



Walker Vernal Seldon: e. Develop a plan for a release: Before I was just releasing songs with no real promotion and didn’t see any results.



10. Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?



Walker Vernal Seldon: “Keep God First” This quote has helped me the most in my journey not only as an Army Officer and a music artist but as a husband and father.



11. None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?



 Walker Vernal Seldon: My Wife has played a crucial part in my being who I am and how far I have come. She is my everything and my other whole, and because of her unconditional love and support, I have been able to grow in ways unimaginable. 



12. You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂



Walker Vernal Seldon:  My tagline is “Follow the Movement”. I want to start a movement of understanding and growth. Each generation should be able to learn from the last and continue to move forward while also documenting history. 



13. We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might see this. 🙂



 Walker Vernal Seldon: I would love to eat breakfast with Denzel Washington because he is one of my favorite actors/actresses of all time and I would love to pick his brain.



14 How can our readers follow you online?



Walker Vernal Seldon: My Contacts:










Michael Odu is the founder of Goshenvilla Limited and official Interviewer of Honk Magazine. He shares stories of inspiring entrepreneurs from all around the world and tips to create a better life & business.


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Artist Spotlight

Mister Motivation’s ‘PSALMS WIDE OPEN’ Offers Soulful Journey of Faith and Inspiration

“Mister Motivation” is a renowned musician who has the skill to incorporate deep and meaningful messages into his music. His latest song “PSALMS WIDE OPEN” is not just a musical piece, but a spiritual journey that touches the soul.


The song has a powerful and spiritual essence, which transports the listener beyond the ordinary to a higher level of consciousness. Mister Motivation masterfully blends introspective reflections with references to biblical figures, creating a beautiful tapestry of emotions and enlightenment.

The soulful hook of “PSALMS WIDE OPEN” serves as a beacon of hope, guiding the listener through moments of contemplation and meditation. Each verse is filled with appreciation for the blessings of life, reflecting the artist’s unwavering commitment to faith and wisdom.

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Artist Spotlight

Exclusive Interview with Country Chart-Topper Ashley Puckett

Ashley, it’s great to have you here. Let’s start from the beginning. Can you share a bit about your journey into music and how your upbringing in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, influenced your musical path?

Hi! Thank you for taking some time with me today!
My musical journey started when I was only about 5 years old when I sang my first song from the Dixie Chicks. Sometimes I like to say it even started before, because my mother would sing to me all the time When I was little, and there was always country music playing.  Growing up, I had a great childhood. I was a happy child, always had my parents support for anything I wanted to do.  I didn’t want for anything.  Still to this day, my parents are my biggest fan.  I remember growing up I was writing songs on my swing set outside in the summer. Music was just part of me growing up all the way to where I am now.


You mentioned being inspired by artists like Lee Ann Womack, Carrie Underwood, and Miranda Lambert. How have these influential figures shaped your style and approach to songwriting and performing?

I love traditional county music. And gals like Miranda allow me to still do what I do because a lot of this genre is moving to pop country, and there’s listeners out there that still want to hear some good ol’ country tunes.  My influences are those who I can follow a path of success and motivation no matter the set backs, and those who have paved ways for others.  These women, among others showed me at an early age that you can be yourself and stick to your roots, and more success will come from that.


At age sixteen, you picked up the guitar and began writing songs. What was it about songwriting that drew you in, and how did you hone your skills as a songwriter over the years?

Yes, learning to play guitar was a very big part of taking my songwriting to the next level.  For me, songwriting came early also.  It’s always been an outlet for me to express myself.  I’m a very good listener, but when it comes to talking,I usually say it better in song.  It’s a way to remember the good times and help me get through the bad. And the thing is, I’m not the only one who goes through those emotions, so it’s a way to share a way of healing for others, too.


Your debut album, “Never Say Never,” was a lifelong dream come true. Can you tell us about the process of bringing this album to life and working with industry professionals like Bryan Cole and Doug Kasper?

It truly was nothing short of a dream come true!  I love being on stage, and writing songs, but the part where you get to work with like minded, talented individuals and see your work come to life and share a million creative moments together is by far my favorite part of making music. It’s been a while now since I’ve been in the studio, and I miss it very much!


The first single from your album, “Medicine,” charted nationally and received widespread acclaim. What was the inspiration behind this song, and how did it feel to see it resonate with audiences?


When I heard that song for the first time, it spoke to my heart because it was just so raw and beautiful.  There’s an innocence about that one that I felt could touch many different types of people just like it did me. I love acoustic love song, easy listening music, and this one was all of that wrapped in one.
I knew this song had to be part of my debut album because it was a perfect fit to my traditional style, my vocals, and love for beautiful melodies. I love how the audience has taken an immediate interest in me and this song and helped start my mainstream music career.

 “Bulletproof,” released on your birthday, became a #1 iTunes hit in South Africa, and a #1 Radio Hit in the US. What was your reaction to the song’s success, and did you expect it to have such a significant impact?


Oh my gosh, it was such a surprise to me!  Honestly, when that happened, it gave me a whole new look on my accomplishments to that moment and made me realize that every little success until then had contributed to that very moment.  So I till this day appreciate the little things and the little successes a lot more because I know they will lead to much more.  I was also very surprised to learn about the culture in South Africa and how they outsource music and love country! That was very cool to learn!  I’d love to visit there sometime!

Your single, “What’s Her Name,” was also a radio hit. Can you give us a glimpse into the inspiration behind this track and what listeners should expect from it?


This one was very fun to record!  It’s very “done me wrong, cheating song country” haha.  A lot of us have unfortunately been in that situation, and it was finally a moment to sing about it!  You put so much into something and give your all to someone who would just rather take it for granted and not show the decency to you that the relationship isn’t working out, they go out and cheat and then play at home like it’s all good and perfect. You’re blind sided. Naturally it makes you wonder who she is and what’s her name.

You mentioned that meeting Bryan and Doug reignited your passion for music and inspired you to pursue your dreams. What is it about your collaboration with them that makes it so special, and how has it influenced your creative process?


In so many ways!  This opportunity when we all met and decided to move forward gave me my chance at country music.  So I knew my life was changing I just didn’t know how or what to expect.  Throughout the process of making the album, I leaned a lot about the industry and a lot about myself.  I think this project made me a better artist both creatively and professionally.  As I mentioned earlier, when I have the chance to be in the studio, it became my favorite part of my entire career. Just getting to create music from nothing and see it turn into a masterpiece with a bunch of talent in the room making it possible is just beyond amazing.  It also inspired me to keep writing – not that it was going away, but because I saw that the words I put on paper were not just words anymore with an A-cappella melody,  it was a radio hit. That people liked!


With your new single, “Anchor,” on the horizon, what can fans anticipate from this latest release, and how does it fit into the larger narrative of your musical journey?

I’m very excited to share this one!  I wrote this song on a birthday vacation in Florida. I love the sea and I get most my inspiration lately it seems from the ocean.  This song is a pretty melody, vocal and simple yet story telling song.  My favorite instrument you don’t hear much anymore is steel guitar, so we brought that back here for sure!  After my debut album, I wanted to start sharing my original work, and “Anchor” is going to be a follow up to my first written debut back in 2022, “Tequila”


That song was accepted very well and made it into the top 80 on the Music Row charts, so I’m hoping this one can set a huge stage for me and my writing and overall career showing that I didn’t just write and sing one song, I’m a songwriter, too, and I have a lot to say and share!

Finally, where can listeners find your music and stay updated on your upcoming releases and performances?


All major platforms, wherever you listen. Amazon music, Apple Music, pandora, Spotify, or if you’re out and about on the town having a drink, play a song on any AMI Jukebox!  I’m also really big on Facebook and instagram for all things Ashley including upcoming events and performances. You can also check out my website at

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