Lonely Tones, the promising Canadian artist, is breaking new ground with their latest single, ‘endlss summer,’ featuring the exceptional production skills of Moedpe. This captivating track...
Class1o1, the rising star in the hip-hop scene, is set to take the industry by storm with their latest single, “Be Like.” This track showcases a...
The Survival Code, the talented unsigned London rock duo, continues to impress with their latest single, “Sum Of All Our Parts,” and it’s a musical fireball...
David von Schlegell, a seasoned singer-songwriter from Portland, Oregon, currently based in St. Paul, MN, unveils his latest single, “Habits,” blending the timeless charm of classic...
Get ready to be transported to the heart of Jamaica with Izoardi’s latest release, “HOTTA LAVA.” This scorching Reggae anthem is set to reignite your passion...
FM Wu, the esteemed Hip-Hop artist hailing from Washington D.C., has once again demonstrated his musical prowess with his latest single, “Scapegoat,” featuring BLAKK. Known for...
Prepare to be enchanted as Salonje, the talented singer-songwriter, and artist influenced by 90’s Hip Hop and R&B, unveils her latest musical masterpiece, “Overdue.” Collaborating with...
Gregory Brown, renowned as the original guitarist for the band Cake, has unveiled his latest masterpiece, “Bloodlines,” a Folk/Acoustic single that showcases his exceptional talent and...
Respair, the London-based jazz-electronic quartet, has once again graced us with their latest single, “Hold On To Me.” This mesmerizing jazz composition is a treat for...
Spain-based artist, Saint Pablo, is back with a thunderous new Hip-Hop/Rap single titled “City of Thieves.” Known for his unyielding determination and unconventional path to success,...