JEFF H. ULRICH, the multi-talented artist and visionary behind numerous heartfelt compositions, unfolds a celestial narrative with his latest pop single, “Love Might Not Wait.” This...
This immensely talented American singer-songwriter, HANNAH JOHNSON, possesses an inherent aptitude for crafting catchy melodies. She has unleashed a wave of unbridled passion in this single...
This Philadelphia native, rapper, and emerging talent, DIAMOND BLACC, is revolutionizing contemporary hip-hop with his latest single, “REMEDY.” In an era dominated by mumble rap and...
Seattle’s genre-defying Indie music scene witnessed a meteoric rise with the release of LA NEED MACHINE’s latest Rock-Pop single, “I Wish I Could Fly.” The track’s...
AVATARI, the dynamic US rock musician, also recognized as Ari Welkom has unleashed a powerful and poignant holiday single, “Holidaze,” which departs from the conventional cheer associated...
BREON S.Y.N.D.E.L, the dynamic rap phenomenon from the vibrant city of Brooklyn, propels listeners into the fast lane with his latest single, “Real One.” This adrenaline-fueled...
PORK PIE, the four-piece beacon of musical ingenuity hailing from Ireland, continues to radiate the kaleidoscopic vibe of contemporary alternative rock generously seasoned with the release...
ASTRALIX stands out as a luminary beacon of innovation and casts her spell with an electrifying single, “Lost and Found.” This dynamic collaboration with The Manic...
GARY DRANOW introduces an electrifying venture into uncharted territories with his latest single, “Digitize,” emerging as a seismic wave of sonic revolution in the realms of...
KELSIE KIMBERLIN, the brilliant American-Ukrainian artist known for her diverse influences, continues to make waves in the music industry with her latest single, “Vlad.” This rock-pop...