British pop star Alexander James Rodriguez has released his tenth studio song, and highly anticipated single ‘Cherry Bomb.’ Nicknamed in Brazil as the “hitmaker,” the teen...
Mathieu Saïkaly’s “Respiration #1 ” is a sure-fire hit that will connect with the masses. Everything is supreme in its approach to giving the people, something...
Nashville-based pop artist Skylar Lee is a force not to be reckoned with in the female pop scene. With less than 3% of today’s music produced...
The Official Christian Rapper, Mr. Raj delivers in every possible to make grade-A entertainment on the new song “King”. The music takes you back to the...
On September 30 the first in a series of singles by Swedish Funk collective SilverTwins Of Funk featuring Jenny Silver is released. The song is called...
Jeymon comes back with a new single ‘It Won’t Be Like This Forever’ from his Debut Project containing seven solid songs. Jeymon’s debut project “It Won’t...
Today we’d like to introduce you to Abeer Da Hey Abeer Da, Where are you based? NIAGARA FALLS , NY How long have you been making...
Paige Shannon releases a new single titled “The Deep End” From Forthcoming EP “Imaginary Friends”. “The Deep End” is a vulnerable song about the fear of...
Vincent Poag’s multiple releases have been watched millions of times on YouTube, with “America,” “Stress,” and “This Christmas.” His latest album, Masquerade, is bound to follow...
Hi Dominik and Adrien! We loved your song and video of “Trust The Algorithm” and would like to hear more about it. What does this project...