S.J. Armstrong’s latest single, “One of a Kind,” is the fourth installment in his monthly singles series leading up to his third album. The track showcases...
No Good Therapy, the boundary-pushing musical force renowned for their electrifying fusion of genres, is set to release their latest single “It’s Cinco De Mayo.” With...
R. SOL has recently released his latest track “LET ME FINISH” which showcases his unapologetic swagger with a well-crafted vibe. The track resonates with the audience...
Izzy Raye, the up-and-coming star in the world of indie pop, has just released a stunning remix of her hit single “Favorite Girl,” featuring Lukey’s dynamic...
The Skinny Limbs have unveiled their latest EP, “Mozart for Martians,” which consists of five stellar tracks that revolve around the complex universe of emotions accompanying...
Philly and Suzy’s latest track, “Wine Kisses,” showcases their exceptional musical skills and seamless integration of their musical styles. The duo’s expertly crafted melody and lyrics...
Honk Magazine is proud to present an innovative and diverse collection of tracks that are generating buzz within the music industry. From the serene acoustic vibes...
Edie Yvonne is a talented singer who has just released a beautiful song called “Fade Into You.” She didn’t write the song, but she sings it...
Chavar Dontae has released a new single, “Too Much,” and it’s a great song that will get you dancing in no time. From the beginning, the...
CALAMITY JAY has released a new song, “Music Monster,” which is part of their upcoming EP. The band mixes rock and folk music from the ’70s...