Orlando Mendez, affectionately known as the “Cuban Cowboy,” as he readies to unveil his latest musical gem, “Where I Am Right Now.” Following his unforgettable journey...
North Carolina’s musical virtuoso, Slade the Supreme, released an enthralling sonic journey that will leave listeners spellbound. “A Quest Called Life, Vol. III,” the third and...
Will Newman‘s highly anticipated sophomore album, “Requiem to Who I Used to Be,” will premiere on August 18, 2023. This album is more than just a...
Burn County’s latest musical masterpiece, “Embers & Ashes.” In a groundbreaking fusion of genres that defies convention, this album takes listeners on a dynamic journey through...
Pawz One & Preed One unleash their latest auditory masterpiece, “Murals & Mayhem.” This dynamic duo, deeply rooted in the graffiti subculture, has ingeniously woven the...
YASUKE THE JASHIN, the enigmatic musical maestro, has unleashed his debut EP, “VALHALLA,” an electrifying collection of tracks that paint an abstract masterpiece of human sentiment....
Japanese indie band The Rust reveals their latest EP, “The Refrain Never Stops.” This musical masterpiece is set to redefine the very essence of city pop,...
Wingtip unveils his latest masterpiece, the captivating EP titled “Get Well Soon.” This musical concoction promises to be the ultimate remedy for your soul, blending an...
The famed Flaminia Romani has her idealistic chorus singing throughout each facet of the world of Cinema and Music. Seamlessly operating under the titles of Film Director, Music...
“Sadder Days” stands by the talented artist Claire Reneé, whose emotionally charged track is back with its raw honesty and heartfelt lyrics, delivering a powerful message...