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Chief Keef Electrifies Summer Smash with “Faneto” Performance After Decade-Long Chicago Ban, Watch the Epic Moment!

Chief Keef Electrifies Summer Smash with “Faneto” Performance After Decade-Long Chicago Ban, Watch the Epic Moment!

The Summer Smash festival was the highlight of the weekend, rocking Bridgeview, Illinois, just a stone’s throw from Chicago. This event marked a monumental occasion for Chief Keef, the influential hip-hop artist who had been banned from performing in his hometown for nearly a decade due to the chaos his shows incited. The prohibition was so stringent that even a hologram performance was denied, forcing it to relocate to Indiana without success, as noted by Stereogum.


For Chief Keef, this homecoming performance was a significant milestone. The last time he performed in front of his Chicago fans was on August 3, 2012, and he had never had the chance to deliver his massive hit “Faneto” live in his hometown—until now.

Lil Yachty captured the electrifying moment at Summer Smash, sharing a video retweeted by the NFR Podcast. The footage shows a sea of fans erupting with energy, rapping along to the chorus with unbridled enthusiasm. The sheer joy radiating from both the crowd and Chief Keef himself is palpable, marking another major achievement for the artist in 2024.


This year has been a standout for Chief Keef, who has been reconnecting with his dedicated fan base. He finally released “Almighty So 2,” over a decade after the original. Additionally, he and Mike WiLL Made-It dropped their mixtape “DIRTY NACHOS” in March. Keef has also been featured on several hot tracks, collaborating with artists like Sexyy Red and Lyrical Lemonade.

What do you think about Chief Keef’s triumphant return to Chicago with “Faneto”? Is it his best stadium anthem, or do you rank other tracks higher in his discography? Are you still vibing to “Almighty So 2”? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned to Honk Magazine for all the latest Chief Keef updates and music news.


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Artist Spotlight

“My Own Superhero” by Alli Brown delivers an anthemic pulse for evoking self-reliance

Alli Brown

As Alli Brown gears up for her debut album ‘Undeniable,’ which features her new single, “My Own Superhero,” she stirs a heartfelt anthem for anyone who’s ever grappled with dependency on others for their emotional completeness, asserting that the real hero is the person reflected in the mirror. Listeners can feel Alli’s distinctive musical signature from the first guitar strum, blending pop and folk sensibilities with a subtle undercurrent of rock pulsating through the track, creating a charming sonic landscape.


With candid vulnerability, Alli shares a personal narrative of self-realization, accepting that no one else will swoop in and save the day; we hold the real power. Her lyrics embody this empowering introspection and flow as an internal dialogue turned outward, offering a guiding path that others can follow. The song advocates taking charge of one’s life, shedding obscurity, and embracing personal enlightenment.

The dynamic production of “My Own Superhero” amplifies its impact, seamlessly alternating between refreshing moments of tenderness and driving rhythms, accompanied by soaring guitar riffs. The chorus exudes newfound confidence as Alli’s vocals hit delicately and fiercely with a surge of emotion that profoundly resonates with the audience, instilling a feeling of standing on that mountaintop of self-assuredness. Through “My Own Superhero,” Alli emphasizes that regardless of the challenges, individuals possess the strength to endure, persevere, and triumph over adversity. It’s a compelling anthem for those ready to embrace their inner superhero.



For more information about Alli Brown, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Alli Brown’s My Own Superhero on Spotify.
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Album Review

Never Heavy Releases “Never Heavy Is One Full of Light”

Steve Alex’s new album is Never Heavy Is One Full of Light. The former frontman of the nineties alt-rock band Four Star Riot has forgone excess production value for a simpler, much more acoustic touch. The album skews the distinctly modern with the excess throwback, something decidedly in for the last couple of years because of romanticization of the past.



It could be the sixties, with the sexual revolution fashion and counter-cultural zeist, the seventies being the era of the singer-songwriter juggernauts, when the maestro of the excess confessional was sexiest person of the year. “Never Heavy Is One Full of Light” skews the latter excessively, literally starting with the title, down to the lyrics Alex has written for each track. The album also reflects the era because of the fact each song is a story, all thematically linked, with beginnings middles and ends. The other thing very much a welcome throwback is how personal Alex makes each song, feeling like a vulnerable creative expression.

What makes the album as a whole compete aside from nostalgia is the assuredness with which Alex performs each track. It’s unusual to feel like an artist has their own material on lock, there naturally being hits and misses throughout the course of their career, even their own, individual releases. I’m pleased to say Mr. Alex never falls into any traps on that front. The album is insanely consistent, maddeningly so. I would have liked to see a few cracks here and there, but all in all it’s a solid and entirely immersive achievement.


There’s a visceral quality to each of the tracks, something deeply gripping not just about the music itself but the stories it tells. Storytelling is the lost art of songwriting, much like poetry it’s about speaking to the heart in addition to the mind, conjuring immersive emotive experiences not easily dismissible even when it ends. A lot of this in Alex’s case likely points back to his experiences as rock frontman for Four Star Riot. It’s clear he’s carried this over to “Never Heavy Is One Full of Light,” once stating in an article with V13 Media: “The stage is a great leveler. It is the true yard-stick by which an artist can be measured.”

In the same article, Alex was quoted as saying, “The only reason to be in a rock band is to play live, period…The energy that is given during the show between the band and the audience is the most exhilarating thing I know. It’s fun as well as emotional, but I guess the best part is the danger. My Pseudo-dance and swagger has in the past, produced sprained ankles and bloody puncture wounds. Y’know, the possibility that at any moment the whole thing can fall apart, but that is the beauty of live performances, it’s here, then it’s gone and on to the next song.”



He carries this mentality to the soft rock nature of his independent release. In many ways, the aforementioned sentiments have never proven more relevant. People crave connectivity in this era, with polls regularly pointing out depression, isolation, and a lack of social cohesion are at record highs. It’s nice to see someone turn back the hands of time on that front, if just a little bit, reminding us about everything that works outside of the corporate-controlled, digitally enhanced world of the top forty still has it.


Loren Sperry

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