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Neil Michael Anderson Neil Michael Anderson


Discover Your Anthem in Neil Michael Anderson’s “What’s Your Truth?”

Neil Michael Anderson, the heart and soul of Truth or Consequences, NM, has just unleashed a musical gem with his latest single, “What’s Your Truth?”. This country-rock anthem, which recently bagged the “Best Music Production Award” at the 2024 New Mexico Music Awards, is set to strike a chord with listeners far and wide.


From the first strum of the guitar to the last lingering note, “What’s Your Truth?” invites you on a journey of introspection and self-discovery. Anderson’s signature blend of genres creates a sound that’s as familiar as it is refreshing, echoing the timeless vibes of The Eagles’ “Take It Easy” and the Traveling Wilburys’ “End of the Line”, yet brimming with an optimism that would make John Lennon proud.

In Anderson’s own words, “Never have I been welcomed like I have by the people of Truth or Consequences. Every time I come back here, it feels like I am returning home. I’ve loved singing this song to them around the campfire, and on the stage. And now, it’s for the world.” This sentiment is palpable throughout the track, making it a beloved staple at his live shows and a favorite around the campfire.


“What’s Your Truth?” is a call to action. Its catchy melodies and thought-provoking lyrics encourage listeners to reflect on their own truths, love, and the consequences of their choices. Anderson’s ability to weave these profound themes into an engaging and upbeat tune is what sets him apart in today’s music landscape.


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Artist Spotlight

ANACY’s “Delight” Mesmerizes with Sultry Allure


ANACY’s latest song “Delight” is captivating and intriguing, with its seductive beats and mesmerizing vocals. The song was carefully crafted at Cosher Studios and polished at Sunset Studios in Cape Town, with input from producer Ross Rowley, Tanner Mason, and Melissa Van Der Spay.


“Delight” is inspired by desire and the appeal of the forbidden, and it draws listeners in with its entrancing melody and mysterious storyline. ANACY’s vocals are emotive and alluring, perfectly complementing the rich production surrounding them.

The song’s mood is seductive and enigmatic, creating a tempting allure that’s hard to resist. Each layer of sound is skillfully placed, enhancing the song’s hypnotic quality and making it a standout in modern playlists. Whether you’re pondering the complexities of human desire or simply enjoying the music, “Delight” offers an unforgettable experience that’s both powerful and evocative.

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“LITTY BOYZ” by OwnBoy, a Cultural Symphony in Trap Beats


OwnBoy’s “LITTY BOYZ” is an amazing song that combines different types of music. It has a lot of energy and shows how talented OwnBoy and The BOB is by using both Spanish and English in The music.


The song is very catchy and will make you want to dance as soon as it starts. The music is really good, with strong beats and nice sounds that make you want to move. OwnBoy’s singing is smooth and confident, and he switches between Spanish and English easily, which makes the song special and enjoyable for everyone.

What makes “LITTY BOYZ” different is that it’s very lively and exciting. It feels like an intense burst of sound and is great for making any event more fun. OwnBoy is really good at mixing different languages in his music, and it shows where he comes from and who he is. It’s not common to find someone who can mix different cultures in their music so well, but OwnBoy does it perfectly.


This song is a great addition to any music collection, especially for those who like music that is different and celebrates different cultures. OwnBoy’s “LITTY BOYZ” isn’t just a song; it’s an experience—an essential listen for anyone who loves music and wants to hear something new. So turn up the volume and let “LITTY BOYZ” make your playlist even better.

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