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Artist Spotlight

FACHY unveils a heartfelt dive into vulnerability with “I Can’t Lie”

Originating from the vibrant music city of Toronto, Canada, Andrew Facciolo, who performs under the moniker FACHY, stirs a raw look at his songwriting talent and potential as an artist with his debut single, “I Can’t Lie.” This debut track made a stirring first impression on his upcoming full-length record of emotional storytelling. A heartfelt and honest dive into the depths of love and self-discovery provides refreshingly cherished content.


I Can’t Lie” captivates the audience with its simplicity and sincerity from the first strum of the guitar, as FACHY’s voice resonates in a vulnerable yet confident tone that immediately draws in the audience. The song’s acoustic melodies intertwine seamlessly with indie rock influences, creating a sound that feels familiar and uniquely his own. FACHY has an innate ability to blend genres, bringing a fresh perspective to the pop-acoustic scene.

Every chord and lyrical charm of “I Can’t Lie” is deliberate and feels like a heartfelt conversation between old friends, where every word truly shines, reflecting a poignant introduction to the artist’s narrative on love lost and the bittersweet memories of growing up. The haunting and comforting refrain in the chorus lines, “Caught in the shadow of who I used to be, I can’t lie to myself anymore” strikes a chord, speaking to the universal struggle of finding oneself amidst heartbreak and change. His introspective storytelling is relatable and deeply personal, allowing listeners to feel connected, like they are peeking into his soul.


The beautifully stripped-back production of the song puts FACHY’s soulful vocal delivery and lyrical prowess at the forefront, creating an intimate listening experience. The beauty of “I Can’t Lie” lies in its authenticity, devoid of pretense or overproduction; it’s just a pure, unfiltered sonic emotional voyage.


With this debut single, FACHY introduces his acoustic sound and charm, promising a future full of evocative and stirring music. Keep an eye on this rising star who’s not afraid to bare his soul. If “I Can’t Lie” is any indication, FACHY is poised to significantly impact the music scene, leaving a lasting impression on listeners eager to hear more.

CLICK HERE TO STREAM FACHY’s I Can’t Lie on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH FACHY | Instagram | Facebook |


Artist Spotlight

DestraBill’s ‘Betrayal’ ft. 6o Unleashes a Raw Symphony of Heartache and Redemption

Belgian artist DestraBill returns with his latest single, “Betrayal,” featuring the dynamic 6o. This track is an emotional rollercoaster that takes the audience on a journey through the anguish of betrayal and the strength it takes to rise above it, creating a profoundly moving experience.


Betrayal” captures the audience with its intense energy and poignant lyrics. His raw, soulful delivery, combined with 6o’s compelling feature, creates a potent mix that resonates with anyone who has ever felt let down by someone they trusted.

The song stands out for its innovative sound. The fusion of electronic beats with melancholic melodies creates a unique listening experience that captures the complexity of its theme. It’s a track that invites the audience to confront their own experiences of betrayal and find solace in the shared struggle of overcoming it.


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Artist Spotlight

Anthony Russell Radiates Sunshine with New Single ‘Summer Child’. A Heartfelt Ode to Life and Legacy

Liverpool-based singer and songwriter Anthony Russell has released a new song, “Summer Child.” The nostalgic song is the first track from his upcoming album, Street Songs.
He gained popularity with his first album, By The River, and has performed at various music festivals and shows. He presents a fresh sound in Summer Child while staying true to his soulful style.


Summer Child holds deep meaning for Billy’s family, whom Anthony honors through powerful references to Billy’s life, legacy, and spirit. Through his soulful voice and moving lyrics, he captures the bittersweet balance of remembering someone while continuing to live in their memory. Anthony’s storytelling feels deeply personal, creating a strong emotional connection with his audience.

The song is a heartfelt tribute to those we’ve lost too soon. Anthony taps into personal grief, weaving it into a melody that shines with hope and empowerment. Street Songs will explore his experiences more and will feature collaborations with artists from different music genres.


The song video reflects on life’s fleeting moments, carried by his captivating voice. Listen to Summer Child now, and prepare for more vibrant stories with Street Songs.



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