As the sun sets on another day, there’s no better soundtrack than this new vibrant single, “It’s Time,” by Franck Rapp. It was mainly recorded in...
“Dead Silly Man” by MEDIVH presents a musical odyssey encompassing rock, progressive, and new-wave genres. This innovative piece, created by the talented duo of Emmanuele and...
Rarely do songs evoke the sensation of floating amidst the stars. The duo PLASMA CHASMS has crafted a psychedelic disco experience that feels like pure, shimmering...
“It’ll Be Alright,” by Nathan O’Regan, from his debut EP via Zenith Cafe, masterfully merges soulful fervor with funky undertones, creating a track that resonates deeply...
FEYE’s rise from corporate climber to pop sensation has been swift and striking since launching her music career in 2023, quickly making waves with two critically...
Discover the emotions and stories within each drawer waiting to be unlocked as renowned pop rising star and multifaceted artistry Kelsie Kimberlin unveils her eagerly awaited...
Tidal Water, the Oslo-based band masterminded by Martin Hovden, has created a sonic charm that is as compelling in its musicality as in its message. From...
Audiences should prepare to be engulfed by a tempest of emotion and unfiltered darkness as POST DEATH SOUNDTRACK unveils their fourth full-length album, “Veil Lifter.” This...
The unleashed debut single “Chasing” by EVVA, an emerging superstar from the vibrant music scene of the UAE, offers a breath of fresh air featuring a...
“Duckgrease Burning at The Crabhouse” reflects the genius of Bruce Mack, the mastermind behind B-MACK. Produced entirely in his home studio on Staten Island, this track...