In his new song, “Tied To The Mast,” Ronan Furlong tells a great story through music. With an excellent Celtic sound, this strong rock song shows...
Released under KBA Entertainment, “West Coast” by Katie Belle presents an opulent pop anthem that skillfully invokes the hypnotic sensation of stepping into a cinematic realm...
As the creative force behind the project Attom Darcy Blvd from Los Angeles, Mick (Matt Carmody) delivers a soulful tribute to the golden era of classic soul...
Think of a name. He is a Rock and Roll royalty. Five letters. No, it’s not that one. Saulo, from the Hebrew “shā’ūl” means “the required”...
Denver’s psych-rock band Sqwerv’s new studio album, Mirage, marks a departure from the stripped-down simplicity of its Hors D’oeuvres EP series—a trio of bite-sized offerings with...
Jody Lynn’s most recent single, “CIRCLES,” explores the complex emotions surrounding repetitive patterns in romantic relationships. Combining vulnerability with strength, Lynn adeptly conveys the intense dynamic...
HOLYMAMI’s latest single, “Desperado,” expertly captures the essence of punk rock from the 90s and early 2000s with its raw and gritty sonic elements. The track...
Recorded at the prestigious Lindaas Lyd studio, “The Void,” the latest single from Tidal Water, with Martin Hovden, the mastermind behind this Oslo-Norway-based project, has created...
In “One Day,” Approaching Jupiter evokes an emotionally resonant anthem that profoundly connects with anyone pursuing their aspirations or striving to overcome life’s hurdles. The Canadian...
In a sea of love songs drenched in sentimentality, Sunset Salore’s most recent single, “Mystery and Magic,” presents a lush, immersive portrayal of the excitement of...