After “Don’t Try It,” “Dry Whip,” and “GiGi,” Diddy BMW returns with an explosive number, the track titled “Shot You,” in which he shares his raw...
Niia – Ace Hotel Niia brings the perfect storm of deep writing and infectious grooves on the new song “Ace Hotel”. The music is one of...
Bertil Bredd delivers a musical masterpiece you can get lost in on the new song “Maybe”. We are always fans of a good name and Bertil...
4Fo3 Marii – Bad Tenant 4Fo3 Marii brings authenticity beyond words on his new song “Bad Tenant”. A multi-talented artist who does it all, and shines...
Today, we’ve broken down our list of the Top 20 Hit Tracks You Need To Hear (So Far) Vol.1 into different genres, so whether you’re into...
LONELY SPRING – Change the Waters LONELY SPRING brings that right song with their new release “Change the Waters”, Via Ivorytower Records. Lonely Spring delivers a...
Spokenword the Emcee – Urban Shaolin American-based artist, singer-songwriter Spokenword the Emcee come back with a new single titled “Urban Shaolin”. Spokenword the Emcee brings sweet...
Everything OShauN – WOJ Canadian-based rapper Everything OShauN makes a record packed with infectious swagger on the new song “WOJ”, GSX Music. The music is vibrant...
BT spider – All Da Oppz BT spider continues to show why he’s a top hitmaker with his latest release “All Da Oppz”. One of the...
Dell Wells – The Gnawing Dell Wells brings realism beyond words on his new song “The Gnawing”. A multi-talented artist who does it all, and shines...