Khamari returns with a second single titled “The Heat,” which exceeds the high expectations set by “Jealous.” The standout moment of the track is Khamari’s performance...
Stream: Lainey Bee – Asssexual Lainey Bee the American rapper has released another dope single called “Asssexual”. This song describes a distraction from my past and...
Stream: Arttemis – Oh Shit Arttemis has dropped another hit single called “Oh Shit”. The American rapper released this in July 2021. “Oh shit” is the...
Stream: Webben – Have a Party. Webben is an Australian artist, rapper, songwriter, who just released a new single titled “Have a Party”. “Have a Party...
Black Apathy – BAD DAY Black Apathy an American Drill artist, the rapper just released a new single “BAD DAY”. One of my hardest rap songs...
Rip Passy – Yippee Ki Yay Rip Passy is an American rapper, songwriter, Hip-Hop artist, Who recently dropped a new single called “Yippee Ki Yay”. This...
Sekani BRGHTN x Mouse Sucks – GOALS Sekani BRGHTN who is a Jamaican artist just dropped his latest music video for “GOALS”, featuring Mouse Sucks...
Stangr The Man – Digital Reality Stangr The Man is a Canadian rapper, songwriter, who just released his new single called ‘Digital Reality’ on the 14th...
Stream; Swiggle Mandela x Rob Vicious – Planet of the BAPES Swiggle Mandela an American singer, songwriter, trap artist, just released a new single featuring Rob...
Stream; Jay Jay Jr – Decided Jay Jay Jr is an American singer, songwriter, Hip-hop artist, rapper. Jay Jay Jr just dropped his new single on...