Emily Curtis is bringing fans a new music video for her recently released single, “Sandcastles.” “Sandcastles” lyrically explores a poetic contrast between childhood and adulthood. Emily...
H.Mil, otherwise known as Henry Milford, is a 19 year old R&B pop artist currently based out of the UK and Dubai. H.Mil brings a fresh...
ISLA makes her debut as a solo female artist with a stand-alone single “Break The Fall” composed by herself and produced by HEproducedit (Howard Edward) at...
Who Is Hearbrake Papi? HEARTBREAK PAPI is an American artist from the city of Camden, NJ. He began his career in 2017 with his debut R&B...
The popular artist and producer Hauskey from Australia shares his new single, “One Minute” featuring Hope Tala, via slowplay/Republic Records. He has casually been dropping low-key pop...
KSNS connect with Lil Gotit to drop a brand new track named “Load Up”, which is out there on all digital streaming platforms. The track was...
JukeBox County is a Canadian alternative rock artist, singer and songwriter making waves in the music industry. jukebox has released his new album called “Inner Space/Outer...
RPXSB HAS RELEASED A NEW SINGLE TITLED “BLOCKED”. Are you feeling heart broken, anger, sad, guilt, rationalization, BLOCKED is just the right kind of song you...
yd17 is a London hip-hop artist, singer, and songwriter who is making a name for himself in the music industry worldwide. Being in the industry for...
Babylung HAS RELEASED HIS NEW SINGLE CALLED “Funny Innit?”. The song “is a song reflecting on my juvenile delinquency, now as a young adult with a...