THe LYONZ have been causing a stir as of late with a series of thought-provoking cosmic hip hop EP releases. Having emerged as something strikingly different...
Rhyme the Ripper – Rhyme the Ripper Rhyme the Ripper is an up and coming artist, singer and songwriter. He has released his First single name...
Lef? – Not Today Lef? released a new single titled “Not Today”. Lef? is a rap artist, songwriter, and producer. As a rap artist, he may...
Joshua Yee Sale or “J-Saucy” is a Hip-Hop/Pop artist originating from the San Francisco. This is a summer joint. With the collaboration of J-Saucy who has...
Heistheartist – Childish Heistheartist released a new remix to “Childish” which is a single by Christian Singer-Songwriter that is meant to help those who are suffering...
Combining a wide range of musical interests with an eclectic lyricism Phok is truly unique. A Delaware MC inspired to infuse hip hop with poetry, philosophy,...
Delivering one of the most important hip-hop statements of 2021, chart-topping phenom and platinum-selling G Herbo drops his fourth full-length album, 25, today. Right out of...
Bounding in with his first release of the year, the ever-elusive ShojiZero is haunting on the new drop ‘Not Hiiiii Enough’. Boasting a broody, trap-Esque rhythm...
Rising star Chi is the latest artist out of the bubbling Canadian music scene, and he’s made an impressive return with the new single “Demons”. Although...
Bad Habbits – Let’s Go feat Young Zee (Outsidaz) Bad Habbits has released another new single titled “Let’s Go feat Young Zee (Outsidaz)”. New Jersey based...