Masha and the Fam, the Los Angeles-based sextuplet, has struck a resonant chord with their latest single, “When the World Disappears.” This band is renowned for...
“Artificial Flavour” is anything but fake. It is the second release of 2024 by JOSHUA, following the impactful ‘Ghost,’ and starts with intriguing minimalism that gradually...
The Shyfrin Alliance is back with a vengeance in their latest single, “The Cage,” a hard rock anthem that is as fierce as it is captivating....
Opening with a gentle, almost wistful piano melody, “A Place Called Home” by Natalie Clark immediately draws listeners into her world. Her new single is an...
The Melbourne-based artist, singer, and songwriter Sunset Salore, known for her enchanting alternative pop sound, returns with “Call It,” a compelling declaration of self-worth that’s both...
Produced, mixed, and mastered by Electric Rabbit Studios, Plasma Chasms’ masterfully crafted latest single, “Interstellar Baby,” is an auditory odyssey that flawlessly blends the timeless charm...
OKARO’s artistic signature, rooted in timeless rhythm, sets a high bar with the latest track, “Foreign,” a resounding anthem for self-belief and personal integrity, heralding the...
Stepping into the grey world of daily life with their latest track, “Lifted,” Bristol-based pop-rock quartet CHANDRA delivers an energetic anthem that’s nothing short of a...
K-SYRAN, the impassioned multi-talented Norwegian dynamo, has once again teamed up with Swedish house maestro and producer StoneBridge to bring us “I Can’t Feel,” a track...
From the cozy corners of iconic venues like Ronnie Scotts to the vast expanses of the Isle of Wight Festival, Lexi Berg has captivated audiences with...