The August Arrival, under the leadership of Sara MacDonald, the heartbeat of this Yukon indie-folk band, embodies a tender ode to the impermanence of love and...
Regarding social media dynamics, Ray J and Nicki Minaj’s collaboration is always a spectacle. Their Instagram Lives create buzzworthy moments, whether spilling tea or engaging in...
Once celebrated R&B superstar Trey Songz, a name synonymous with chart-topping hits and smooth vocals, now finds himself in the middle of a legal storm carrying...
Janita’s powerhouse vocals mesmerize audiences with each sultry note and poetic lyricism. Her new single, “Real Deal,” bursts forth with the audacity of a rebel anthem,...
This stunning reintroduction of the Toronto-based dream-pop duo Soft Set delineates a meticulously layered auditory exploration with their latest single, “Gone,” which resonates long after its...
Bôbo‘s “You Deserve Better” showcases an impressive synthesis of emotive vocal delivery and refined production techniques, resulting in a compelling R&B track that resonates deeply with...
T.N. delivers a compelling dancefloor-ready track with “Wagwan,” which intricately weaves in dancehall influences to create a sophisticated yet accessible sonic experience. The production features a...
Joey Sachi’s “7 Seconds” is a dynamic pop composition that immediately engages listeners with its high-energy production. The track encapsulates a sense of urgency, mirroring the...
“Secrets” by YFN Edott is an introspective piece that immerses listeners in the artist’s psyche. The production features a mellow trap beat that sets a contemplative...
BTG Nugg‘s “Lonely Road” featuring Yung Shah, Dez B explores personal introspection through its intricate composition and lyrical depth. The track is characterized by its haunting...