The hip-hop industry currently faces substantial controversy as Jay-Z finds himself in the eye of a storm. Allegations of sexual assault stemming from a 2000 afterparty...
In a stunning twist to an already high-stakes legal dispute unfolding with the intensity of a Hollywood thriller, Jay-Z, one of music’s most preeminent figures, finds...
In a landscape often fraught with uncertainty, Kristin Venae unveils a profoundly resonant tribute to love’s unwavering presence in the newest single, “Still Here.” Even amid...
Marking her sweet sixteenth birthday celebration with a release as luminous as the City of Angels, Edie Yvonne’s “Epitome” is a heartfelt masterpiece that encapsulates the...
TRY’s etherealing new single “With Me (feat. Empress Of)-(Club Redux)” is a pulsating burst of emotion, rhythm, and reinvention. Originally conceived as a meditative exploration of past...
In honor of Florence Bowman, lead vocalist Michael Bowman penned a heartfelt ode to his late mother. The Ghost Rodents present a compelling auditory experience with...
The lightning bolt of Carley Varley’s energetic and emotive new single, “Attention!!!” is the adrenaline shot your crush-induced daydreams have been craving. It’s an exciting anthem...
“Rain,” the most recent single by London-based pop sensation Allegra, presents a vibrant anthem of renewal. It emphasizes the themes of beginning anew and achieving liberation,...
When it comes to living the high life, some of rap’s biggest names take it to a whole new altitude, literally soaring above the rest. From...
Once hailed as allies and a dynamic duo under the G-Unit banner in the early 2000s, 50 Cent and Young Buck are now locked in a bitter courtroom clash...