Glen Brandon, the brainchild behind The Mess:Age, has once again scaled musical boundaries with his latest offering, “MR W.H.O.” This audacious blend of mysticism and rock...
“Duckgrease Burning at The Crabhouse” reflects the genius of Bruce Mack, the mastermind behind B-MACK. Produced entirely in his home studio on Staten Island, this track...
When analyzing Allegra’s latest release, “Love You Right Back” (ALOK Remix), distributed under Radikal Records, one cannot help but be captivated by its dynamic rhythm and...
“Connection” by NISSU exudes optimism and energy that encapsulates the spirit of unity experienced during the lockdown. With its infectious beat and uplifting lyrics, this track...
BLONDETING, a talented artist from South East London, has once again caught the attention of the dance music scene with her latest release, “DISCO TEARS.” Known...
“Suddenly,” by Chapell seamlessly weaves the golden eras of the 70s, 80s, and 90s into a contemporary sonic tapestry that feels nostalgic and refreshingly new. From...
Cassidy Dickens’ most recent release single, “Timelines,” adeptly encapsulates the intricate relationship between the fleeting nature of time and our poignant place within it. The song...
ECR Music Group is thrilled to unleash MILES EAST’s long-awaited new album, “Between Lightning and Thunder.” The album is expected to significantly impact the indie music...
California King, a Brooklyn-based band, has recently launched their new album, “The Last Lovers,” which features 10 tracks that defy genre boundaries. The group, deeply influenced...
“VENUS,” the latest release by Leonie Sherif, is a rich representation of a harmonious fusion of auditory and aromatic elements. This innovative symphony transports listeners to...