Cat Cork has recently released a new single, “Disappear.” The song deeply explores the intricacies of human emotions and presents a haunting melody that strips away...
IRONIC SWEDEN serves up a satirical slice of synth-pop goodness with their latest single, “Media Whore.” Comprised of the talented trio Dan, Stefan, and Tezz, this...
Chris Harris and Erin Newman have released a new single, “Goodbye Darling,” from their latest EP “Goodbye Darling,” which showcases their skillful craft of creating a...
“Luna Azul,” Love Ghost’s newest sonic exploration of solitude, delicately balances on the precipice of vulnerability and empowerment, unfolding a symphony of Emo-Pop-Rock infused with the soulful echoes...
Hal St John and Cherrie Anderson, a duo based in London and known as Ooberfuse, collaborated with Palestinian multi-instrumentalist Charlie Rishmawi and producer Miguel Khair to...
Nix Dadry, a solo rock artist, has recently released a new single, “Kiss The Dirt.” This soul-stirring ballad explores the fundamental essence of human connection and...
Love Ghost, the ethereal musical entity hailing from the vibrant streets of Los Angeles, presents their latest sonic masterpiece, “Time Travel,” a poignant fusion of Alternative,...
La Need Machine, a well-known music group from Seattle, is back with a new single, “These Old Jeans,” showcasing their unique style and musicianship. This soul-stirring...
Wildstreet unleashes their latest rock anthem, “The Road,” from their EP IV, courtesy of Golden Robot Records and Beyond Agency. This high-octane anthem pulsates with infectious...
PROKLAIM, the Windhoek-based luminary, has gifted us a soulful gem with his latest afrobeat-pop crossover single, “FOR YOU.” This track is a sonic labor of love,...