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“Dead Silly Man” by MEDIVH evokes a dreamlike stark reality

Dead Silly Man” by MEDIVH presents a musical odyssey encompassing rock, progressive, and new-wave genres. This innovative piece, created by the talented duo of Emmanuele and the visionary sibling Tommaso, offers a captivating experimental soundscape that explores themes of dreams, stark reality, fear, and excitement. Through the skillful intertwining of their distinctive talents, the composition presents a thought-provoking experience that compellingly delves into apprehensions, elation, and existential contemplations.


Dead Silly Man” immediately captures your attention with a rhythmic and palpable sense of liberation in the opening notes. Emmanuele’s voice soars compellingly, weaving a captivating tapestry of relatable emotion. The authoritative delivery draws the audience into the song’s emotional core, with each word thoughtfully woven into the musical fabric, enriching the overall ambiance with a profound sense of urgency and depth.

The lyrical structure of this musical composition adeptly navigates through contrasting elements, integrating wild, chaotic segments with a cohesive and harmonious progression. It presents a nuanced exploration of life’s intricate balance, exploring themes of surrender and resistance, guilt and justification, desire and reality, fostering an exhilarating and introspective ambiance. The composition echoes internal conflicts, inviting the listener to ponder choices between fighting, yielding, fleeing, or defending cherished ideals. Medivh artfully addresses the inevitability of despair and the tempting nature of giving up, juxtaposed with the resilient determination to persevere for the sake of loved ones, rendering a hauntingly beautiful portrayal.


MEDIVH utilizes an innovative production methodology with avant-garde soundscapes and personalized approaches to create a unique sonic instrumental. By integrating new wave and synth-pop elements seamlessly, they have blended nostalgia and modernity, making “Dead Silly Man” a bold contribution to the standout electronic rock anthem in Medivh’s repertoire. This must-listen track demonstrates exceptional creative prowess and inventiveness for anyone seeking music that challenges, excites, and ultimately emancipates. It leaves a deep and introspective impression on the audience, a perfect addition to their discography. It entices listeners to lose themselves in its mesmerizing rhythmic patterns and evocative lyricism, embracing the surreal and profoundly dynamic sonic landscape of existence in its entirety.


For more information about MEDIVH, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM MEDIVH’s Dead Silly Man on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH MEDIVH | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |


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CHAPELL stirs a symphonic echo of resilience with his new single, “When the Music Plays Again”

Alan Chapell

When the Music Plays Again,” Alan Chapell’s most recent single, featured on his album ‘The Underground Music Show,’ arrives with a magical feeling of hope, offering a poignant reflection on the power of music during difficult times. Written during the pandemic’s peak period when live performances were mere memories, Chapell adeptly taps into the universal yearning for the return of communal musical encounters. The song opens with Clint Wells’ evocative guitar work, establishing a melancholic yet optimistic ambiance. It strikes a delicate balance, crafting a mix of familiar and refreshingly innovative soundscapes. Lorenza’s violin gracefully sweeps in during the chorus, elevating the melody to an intense crescendo that tugs at the heartstrings. Her contribution is a standout, transforming the chorus into a pure, cathartic release moment.


Despite its initial simplicity at first glance, each line reflects the introspective lyricism that has defined Chapell’s career as a well-known artist and songwriter. The music seamlessly blends the contemplative essence of the 70s with the lush sonic palettes of the 80s and 90s, creating a nostalgic yet fresh melody. His vocal delivery is imbued with sincerity and warmth, inviting listeners to share the journey from despair to hope. This quality creates a timeless essence in his songs, serving as a tribute to the past and a promise for the future.

Much like Chapell’s previous work, this track benefits from his formative years as a prodigious talent in Stamford, Connecticut, sharing stages with icons like the Gin Blossoms, Everclear, and Lisa Loeb. Chapell has always been ahead of his musical boundaries, punctuated by groundbreaking recording sessions with legends like producer Jimmy Ienner of Dirty Dancing fame, which endowed him with a unique musical sensibility. This is evidenced in the meticulous craftsmanship of “When the Music Plays Again,” showcasing his cultural alchemy for fusing intricate emotional narratives with infectious melodies, which is fully displayed here.


When the Music Plays Again” is an essential tribute to the enduring vitality of live music. It’s an anthemic call to remember the communal exhilaration and sense of unity that live music elicits, even in the darkest times. Furthermore, it presents an optimistic glimpse into a future where these moments are not merely memories but tangible manifestations.



For more information about Alan Chapell, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Alan Chapell’s When the Music Plays Again on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Alan Chapell | Instagram | Facebook |

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Francie Eliott Talks About her Latest Single, “Delusional”

“My debut single explores the delicate balance between imagination and reality, emphasizing the beauty that can be found in maintaining a certain distance. The song conveys the idea that sometimes it’s better to cherish the idealized version of someone rather than letting harsh realities shatter your longings. It’s about the disappointment that often comes from getting too close and the wisdom in preserving a beautiful imagination.’

“This track delves into the theme of protecting oneself from pain by creating a personal sanctuary of dreams and illusions. It suggests that it’s okay to stay delusional if it helps you find happiness and peace. You are the master of your own world, and there’s immense beauty in the unknown.’


“Through poignant lyrics and evocative melodies, the song invites listeners to embrace their fantasies and recognize that sometimes, the most beautiful experiences are those crafted within our own minds. It’s a celebration of the power of imagination to shield us from hurt and a reminder that you can build your own world to navigate through life’s disappointments.”

Biography: Francie Eliott emerges as a compelling new voice in the music industry with the release of her debut single, “Delusional.” With over five years of experience, Francie has established herself as a talented songwriter, crafting releases for various artists and DJs, primarily within the EDM scene. All the songs she has been involved in—whether through co-writing or performing—have collectively garnered 47,000,000 streams.


During her years in Berlin, she immersed herself in the vibrant electronic music culture, finding joy in writing and studio recording but never feeling the genre truly reflected her authentic self. Now, Francie Eliott is embarking on a new musical journey, embracing a more indie, acoustic, and organic sound while maintaining a commercial appeal. Her music showcases a reduced, yet impactful approach that allows her most distinctive feature to shine: her recognizable vocals. “Delusional,” her debut single, is a testament to Francie’s deeply reflective and thoughtful way of processing emotions. It captures her authenticity and sensitivity, qualities which are at the core of Francie Eliott’s artistic identity.. Francie’s music is a mirror of her inner world, where she bravely confronts and transforms her personal struggles into art.


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