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“I Know You” by MOREOFTHEM featuring Maisi

MoreOfThem, the innovative duo featuring rising pop sensation Maisi, has recently released their latest single, “I Know You.” The track combines introspective lyrics with infectious beats, capturing the bittersweet essence of unrequited love. Maisi’s emotive delivery and ability to maintain optimism while conveying raw emotion make this track stand out. MoreOfThem, recognized as a promising talent pushing boundaries in London’s music scene, collaborates with Maisi to add a fresh layer to this poignant anthem. Together, they have composed a rich and dynamic soundscape.

Maisi’s vocals exude charm and tenderness, portraying a sense of melancholy with a hint of humor. The song’s introspective nature draws the listener into an intimate narrative, vividly depicting the experience of enduring endless tales about the romantic interest of a crush. The track effectively navigates this delicate balance of sorrow and danceable rhythm with remarkable finesse, offering a distinctive perspective on a well-known situation. The lyrics, “Just imagine having to sit and listen to somebody you’re completely in love with talk endlessly about this new person they’ve started dating,” convey the sentiment with powerful clarity.


The song “I Know You” serves as an anthem celebrating resilience and self-love for those who have experienced unreciprocated feelings. It emphasizes that vulnerability can be perceived as a strength rather than a weakness and encourages listeners to derive joy from their emotions through dance. The track effectively and skillfully demonstrates MoreOfThem’s production expertise, integrating vulnerable lyricism with an engaging beat, inviting audience participation. Through their music, MoreOfThem and Maisi adeptly convey the importance of embracing vulnerability and finding strength in difficult circumstances.


With this release, MoreOfThem and Maisi reaffirm their influential positions in the music industry. This track is essential listening, bringing undeniable value to any playlist for individuals navigating the intricate nuances of love. Be prepared to engage, move to the rhythm, and reflect, as this represents Moreofthem at the peak of their artistic abilities.





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Artist Spotlight

EVVA drops an electrifying debut vibe with “Chasing”


The unleashed debut single “Chasing” by EVVA, an emerging superstar from the vibrant music scene of the UAE, offers a breath of fresh air featuring a tantalizing glimpse into the future of pop and cutting-edge production style of Jungleboi. With roots as a dynamic DJ performer known for electrifying any dancefloor, EVVA has channeled her dynamic energy into this track, showcasing her evolution as a formidable singer-songwriter multifaceted artist, bringing her dynamic energy and eclectic musical background to the forefront.


Chasing” opens with an ethereal melody that gradually builds, pulling listeners into its atmospheric vibe and intricate beats that glide effortlessly over EVVA’s lush vocals. Collaborating with Jungleboi, known for his collaborations with acclaimed artists such as ZAYN, a prominent figure in London’s EDM soundscape, creates a compelling, instantly memorable contrast that feels expansive and intimate. The production exudes sleek and polished quality while retaining a raw edge, providing a solid foundation for EVVA’s rich and captivating vocals that float effortlessly over the pulsating beats, creating a perfect harmony of sound.

Lyrically, “Chasing” explores themes of ambition and desire, resonating deeply with anyone who’s ever chased a dream. The anthemic chorus is particularly striking, with its signature touch characterized by its sophistication and infectious rhythm; it showcases EVVA’s prowess in crafting both catchy and deeply emotive songs. Drawing from her formal training at the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP), EVVA demonstrates a blend of electronic elements, organic instrumentation, and a touch of indie flair, resulting in music that feels both timeless and fresh.


With her debut single “Chasing,” EVVA is paving the way for a promising career. The catchy hooks and emotionally resonant, dancefloor-ready music make this track an invaluable addition to any playlist. It’s particularly appealing to music enthusiasts looking for innovative sounds. EVVA and Jungleboi have undeniably created something special with this powerful debut, hinting at even more incredible achievements.



CLICK HERE TO STREAM EVVA’s Chasing on Spotify.
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Artist Spotlight

“Duckgrease Burning at The Crabhouse” by B-MACK ignites a melodic funky vibe


Duckgrease Burning at The Crabhouse” reflects the genius of Bruce Mack, the mastermind behind B-MACK. Produced entirely in his home studio on Staten Island, this track oozes a raw, authentic energy that’s hard to resist. Taking the reins as composer, lead vocalist, and synthesizer wizard, Bruce Mack crafts a nostalgic and refreshingly original soundscape. The band, a quirky ensemble of musical virtuosos, each brings a distinct flavor to the mix, resulting in a track that is nothing short of electrifying.


The musical ensemble’s cohesion is palpable; Chris Eddleton’s percussion establishes a captivating rhythm as the composition unfolds, prompting a physical response. Michael Cox’s electric bass seamlessly integrates with Ben Tyree’s polished guitar melodies, complemented by the harmonic depth provided by Leon Gruenbaum’s keyboard artistry. Mack’s lead vocals exude soulfulness and authority, echoing the essence of funk icons such as Sly Stone and Funkadelic while infusing the composition with his distinct flair.


The inclusion of guest vocalist Larayne introduces an added dynamism; her voice harmonizes seamlessly with Mack’s, infusing the composition with vibrant energy and a jubilant atmosphere. The lyrics vividly depict an imaginary, escapist sanctuary, encouraging listeners to immerse themselves in the fantastical musical space and revel in the moment, fostering an environment where everyone can unwind, relax, and enjoy a good time.

B-MACK has produced an irresistible musical gem for individuals seeking to infuse their playlists with an enchanting touch of magic. It recently demonstrated its musical prowess at the Burnt Sugar Roadhouse series in New York City, garnering considerable attention. The piece “Duckgrease Burning at The Crabhouse” presents a captivating sonic allure that immerses the audience in a world of funky, groove-infused melodies. This composition showcases B-MACK’s exceptional musicianship and forward-thinking creativity.



For more information about B-MACK, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM B-MACK’s Duckgrease Burning at The Crabhouse on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH B-MACK | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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