Recorded at Dtuned Brighton Production studios, VHEXPERTINE’s new single, “Laura Palmer,” explores the labyrinth of human duality that resides within us, inspired by the enigmatic character...
Renowned for its poignant message and masterful instrumentation, Doron Karavani’s latest single, “I’ll Be There,” encapsulates a compelling narrative that prompts listeners to pause and reflect...
Qymira, born in Hong Kong and nurtured in San Francisco, invites the audience to dance on their terms to her latest single, “Wait For No One,”...
In “She Is My Precious,” The Curse of K.K. Hammond delivers a raw and powerful statement wrapped in the murky depths of dark, dirty swamp blues....
Miss Freddye, Pittsburgh’s cherished “Lady of the Blues,” delivers a soul-stirring performance with her latest single, “Slippin’ Away.” This poignant blues ballad, originally penned by the...
Cliff & Susan’s rendition of Van Morrison’s classic “Into the Mystic” is a beautifully crafted tribute that gracefully marries the ethereal spirit of the original with...
Year Released: 2024 Genre: Traditional Country Duration: 44:22 Label: Fence Row Records/MTS Producer: Richard Lynch Engineer: Beaird Music Group, Nashville On “Pulling Up the Covers,” Richard...
In an era where the musical landscape is as diverse as the peaks of the Himalayas, Michael Zuzek’s latest LP, Everest, stands as a towering achievement...
Eddy Mann’s latest LP, is a journey through the heart of Christian folk rock, blending spiritual reflection with accessible melodies that uplift and inspire. The album,...
“Drink Em Down,” the latest single from Canadian/Australian country artist Robert Ross, is a raw, emotionally charged anthem that taps into the classic country tradition of...