Stephanie Westdal introduces her latest single, “Want You So Bad,” a mesmerizing exploration born from personal turmoil through the delicate terrain of unfiltered desire and the...
In today’s era of rampant societal division, musician and lyricist Rusty Reid conveys a more necessary charm through a deeply impactful revolutionary manifesto wrapped in an...
“ON MY MIND” is a new song by Dominic Chin and Lamin featuring Jean Seizure. This collaboration from Singapore is full of energy and confident vibes....
Andrew Batcheler’s latest song, “Falling Together,” is filled with beautiful music that will make you feel like you’re in a dream. The song mixes deep emotions...
Stephen Mugford’s new song, ” ,” takes us on a journey through the conflict between who we are and who we’re becoming. “Charlie Brown Shoes” immerses...
Jamaican-born reggae artist Minna LaFortune with her latest single, “Baby Baby I Love You.” It has a great rhythm and mixes classic reggae and modern pop....
Azato’s new song, “GIVE THNX,” featuring Aisea Taimani and Minor Island, is a celebration of gratitude and joy. It’s a reminder to appreciate the big and...
Tom Penny’s new song, ‘Both Sides Of The Coin, ‘ feat. Tanya Matthews is emotional and genuine, giving us a glimpse into his personal struggles. It’s...
Drawing inspiration from a poignant historical quote written in a Flemish book of hours by King Henry VIII of England and directed to Anne Boleyn, Judy...
Chapell’s latest single, “This Could Never Be Me,” showcases a meticulously crafted anthem that guides the audience through an introspective journey from impulsive youth to mature...