Finding Chase is on his 5th single for the year. After “Dreams (Remastered),” “Eager To Bleed,” “Shooting Stars,” and “Butterflies,” the talented artist is once again...
A.M. Early Morning & Nightwalker – Dusk TiIl Dawn (feat. King Magnetic) “Dusk TiIl Dawn (feat. King Magnetic)” is a new release from A.M. Early Morning...
Max Parker – Fly Away (Feel Good) “Fly Away (Feel Good)” is a new release from Max Parker. “Fly Away (Feel Good)” is a daring display...
Slime Krime – Clear the smoke “Clear the smoke” is a new release from Slime Krime. If there’s any genre of music that the people have...
Javii – Overthinking “Overthinking” is new release from Javii. Music can hit you in many different ways. Some songs you play and it’s a slow burn,...
LKeys – Between Me and You “Between Me and You” is a new release from LKeys. Nothing motivates more than music. More than a record that...
Chillhum – Highspeed “Highspeed” is a new release from Chillhum. “Highspeed” is a daring display of music that pays off for this must hear talent. She...
Favor valentine – Figures “Figures” is a new release from Favor valentine. “Figures” is the perfect song to show where high level artistry and appeal meet....
Jesse Eplan – Distance “Distance” is a new release from Jesse Eplan. Good music always has a way of finding you when you need it most....
Nadia Vaeh – Leap of Faith “Leap of Faith” is a new release by Nadia Vaeh. “Leap of Faith” is the music rooted in soul, that...