The talented British-born, Australian-based artist Dylan James, professionally known as Lab Rat, bares his soul in his new single, “Drunk,” chronicling a gripping alt-rock masterpiece that...
UK producer James Brown has wonderfully elucidated the Belgian quartet CMON CMON’s polished yet dynamic sound in their latest single, “All The Other Kids.” This song...
Emerging from the profound loss experience, Vanda presents a compelling exploration of sonic and emotional landscapes in her latest single, “I Don’t Swim.” This dynamic anthem...
The August Arrival, under the leadership of Sara MacDonald, the heartbeat of this Yukon indie-folk band, embodies a tender ode to the impermanence of love and...
Janita’s powerhouse vocals mesmerize audiences with each sultry note and poetic lyricism. Her new single, “Real Deal,” bursts forth with the audacity of a rebel anthem,...
This stunning reintroduction of the Toronto-based dream-pop duo Soft Set delineates a meticulously layered auditory exploration with their latest single, “Gone,” which resonates long after its...
The Swedish band Ginko Bugs, born from Lieutenant Bo Biloba’s solo dreams and fleshed out with an eclectic European lineup, captures the soul of classic rock...
From the moment the cello swells in “I Want It All,” Alli Brown, a singer-songwriter with her roots firmly planted in Salt Lake City, effectively merges...
Emerging singer-songwriter Luke Borchelt steps into the spotlight, making waves with his highly anticipated debut album, “Every Rain,” a heartfelt ode to life’s quiet moments, comprises...
The Bristol-based pop-rock quartet Chandra has unwrapped an early gift for music enthusiasts with their new single, “Christmas Hugs.” This upbeat festive bop delight is an...