Denmark-based indie-pop sensation Sasha Adrian returns with her much-captivating sophomore EP, “Shell,” released under the auspices of Celebration Records. This mesmerizing five-track manifesto is a profound...
Swedish artist San Sebastian has released his second single, “Again and Again.” Known for his danceable pop sound infused with a nod to club music, San...
Born on a Marine Corps base in North Carolina, Tom DiCillo, the pioneering American independent filmmaker recognized for his innovative contributions to cinema, returns to the...
“Without Our Love,” Audrey Saparno’s newest single, feels like a resilience lifeline, a reminder that our humanity can shine through the darkest moments, even in these...
Music lovers are prepared to experience a striking new soundscape as Catlea, the eclectic singer-songwriter known for her thoughtful lyrical style, drops her latest EP, “Bones,”...
In “That’s Not a Lie,” Tamar Berk, a San Diego-based singer-songwriter, showcases her remarkable ability to deliver an intimately profound and soul-baring look into the murky...
The composition “Pieces” by rising indie-pop band The Juice constitutes a noteworthy addition to the genre. It taps into the triumph and turbulence of mental health...
Eric Alexandrakis, in his evocative new single, “Home,” carves a sonic melody that feels personal and universally familiar, creating a symbolic space where one truly belongs...
Prepare for an exciting musical adventure that connects soulful moments with catchy beats! Officially premiering today, rising artist IKON unveils his anticipated album, “MUSIC.” This fantastic...
Nova Perry radiates positivity that feels like an emotional embrace with her new single, “We Will Heal,” reminding listeners that resilience lives within us all. Recorded...