Eddie Cohn doesn’t hold back as he crafts a compelling yet optimistic composition, “Stop Waving the Gun,” a searing anthem that cuts straight to the heart...
Denmark-based indie-pop sensation Sasha Adrian returns with her much-captivating sophomore EP, “Shell,” released under the auspices of Celebration Records. This mesmerizing five-track manifesto is a profound...
Shyfrin Alliance smashes the blues-rock door wide open with “Lockdown,” a blazing track that promises a spot on every rock lover’s playlist. Kicking off with a...
With “It’s Your Decision,” Not Here Very Long created a compelling anthem that taps into the raw tension of their song, capturing the struggle of taking...
With “Sore Throat,” Diana Omar dives headfirst into rock melodies with Pop sensibilities, and the result is electrifying. Inspired by a literal sore throat from a...
Songwriter Nathan O’Regan, the dynamic Belfast-based artist, delivers an enchanting ode to Northern Irish musical heritage with his debut Cover EP, “Uncovered Vol. 1,” released via...
With “Coming Right At You,” David Goundry’s most recent single skillfully marries heartfelt nostalgia with an invigorating soul-stirring anthem for those who have weathered love’s storms...
The song “Wake Me When It’s Over” by The Heroic Enthusiasts, co-written and produced by the esteemed Stephen Hague, signifies the duo’s return with their mesmerizing...
The debut UK single “Exit Path” by Lab Rat presents a visceral gut-punch of emotion. It is a compelling fusion of alt-rock framed within a grunge...
Stammer has a new song called “California Dreamin.” It’s an excellent new take on an ancient song by The Mamas and The Papas. It’s like the...