The newly formed Swedish rock duo Talk in Vain makes a noteworthy entrance into the music industry with their compelling debut single, “Her Case.” This track...
Originating from Texas but rooted in the eclectic vibes of the Pacific Northwest, Rusty Reid skillfully integrates elements of indie-folk, pop, country, and rock to create...
Raised on Candy, the electrifying rock trio born from the creative pulse of the San Francisco Bay Area and New York Tri-State has unveiled its eponymous...
The August Arrival, under the leadership of Sara MacDonald, the heartbeat of this Yukon indie-folk band, embodies a tender ode to the impermanence of love and...
The newest single by Tom Minor, entitled “Is Everything Okay?” presents a compelling fusion of introspective lyrics and vibrant soundscapes, establishing a unique intersection where self-reflection...
Gareth Dunlop’s new video “Small Talk” captures the art of conversational fumbles with both wit and warmth. Dunlop has never shied away from the uncomfortable; he...
Eddie Cohn doesn’t hold back as he crafts a compelling yet optimistic composition, “Stop Waving the Gun,” a searing anthem that cuts straight to the heart...
Denmark-based indie-pop sensation Sasha Adrian returns with her much-captivating sophomore EP, “Shell,” released under the auspices of Celebration Records. This mesmerizing five-track manifesto is a profound...
Shyfrin Alliance smashes the blues-rock door wide open with “Lockdown,” a blazing track that promises a spot on every rock lover’s playlist. Kicking off with a...
With “It’s Your Decision,” Not Here Very Long created a compelling anthem that taps into the raw tension of their song, capturing the struggle of taking...