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Artist Spotlight

Stephanie Phillips Touches Souls with ‘One Day’

“One Day,” Stephanie Phillips’s new single, delves into the intricate emotional landscape following the loss of a loved one. The song serves as a poignant homage to those we’ve lost and a testament to the non-linear nature of grief.


Stephanie’s unadorned, emotive vocals take precedence, constructing a tapestry woven with memories, love, and yearning. The unembellished arrangement allows each word to resonate, enabling the audience to experience Stephanie’s science, every pang of heartache, each tear shed, and every instance of bittersweet recollection.

“One Day” has a remarkable capacity to forge connections, whether or not one has undergone a similar loss. It serves as a poignant reminder that although our loved ones may have departed, the enduring love we carry for them perseveres. One day, we may find solace in that truth.


Artist Spotlight

Where Virtual Worlds and Real Life Collide, Satori Vando Levels Up with New Single ‘On the Game’

Honk Magazine

In his new song, “On the Game,” Satori Vando combines the world of video games with the challenges of real-life relationships. The song is unique because it cleverly connects gaming with deeper themes like love and effort.


On the Game” feels like a song for anyone who loves video games. Satori references popular games while discussing the emotional challenges we face in relationships. The music is great because it captures the gaming excitement while also dealing with the reality of what happens when we stop trying in relationships.

His playful storytelling and catchy rhythm make “On the Game” the perfect song for a gaming night. But there’s also a deeper meaning. In the album’s context, the song  represents a turning point in a relationship, showing how distractions like video games can take attention away from love.

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Artist Spotlight

François Marius Drops Irresistible Reggae Twist on “Let Her Go”

Honk Magazine

François Marius has just released a new version of his popular song “Let Her Go,” but this time it’s got a fun reggae twist. The new reggae version adds a sunny, feel-good vibe to the heartfelt original. It’s got smooth guitar strums, a catchy beat, and a warm Caribbean feel that makes you want to dance.


The song’s lyrics, which used to feel a bit sad, now have a more hopeful and uplifting vibe thanks to the reggae rhythm.

François’s voice still has that emotional touch, but the music now gives off a sense of freedom and joy. It’s a great example of how he can give his music a fresh spin, giving fans a new way to enjoy an old favorite.

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