The Bristol-based pop-rock quartet Chandra has unwrapped an early gift for music enthusiasts with their new single, “Christmas Hugs.” This upbeat festive bop delight is an...
Bristol’s emerging pop-rock sensation CHANDRA, a dynamic quartet fronted by the charismatic Chandra Naiir, has recently unleashed its highly anticipated debut EP, “Lifted.” This masterpiece, recorded...
Stepping into the grey world of daily life with their latest track, “Lifted,” Bristol-based pop-rock quartet CHANDRA delivers an energetic anthem that’s nothing short of a...
Overshadowed by fleeting trends of chaos and uncertainty, Bristol-based artist CHANDRA unbolts an enduring anthem of resilience and optimism with his latest single, “I’ll Be There.”...
Chandra, the vibrant pop-rock sensation based in Bristol, UK, has once again ignited the music scene with his latest single, “Pretty.” This soaring, sing-along rock-pop fusion...