The hip-hop industry currently faces substantial controversy as Jay-Z finds himself in the eye of a storm. Allegations of sexual assault stemming from a 2000 afterparty...
In a stunning twist to an already high-stakes legal dispute unfolding with the intensity of a Hollywood thriller, Jay-Z, one of music’s most preeminent figures, finds...
When it comes to living the high life, some of rap’s biggest names take it to a whole new altitude, literally soaring above the rest. From...
Authenticity is a form of resistance. MIA, the trailblazing artist known for her unapologetically bold and innovative individuality, recently dropped a bombshell about her time working...
Jay-Z is no stranger to making waves in the music industry. If recent rumors are to be believed about the possibility of new music, the rap...
When hip-hop’s ultimate entertainer, 50-Cent, recently took a seat on an episode of The Breakfast Club this week, fans got more than just another sprinkling celebrity...
Marking two decades since the iconic release of Jay-Z’s monumental album, “The Black Album,” fans are in for a treat as the rap legend unveils a...
Jay-Z is widely considered one of the greatest rappers of all time, and fans are eagerly anticipating his next project. Despite having released 13 albums, he...
In hip-hop, beats get passed around like colds. A record might be sent to several artists before it finds a home and finally gets heard by...