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Sexyy Red’s Vodka Partnership Turns Sour, The Inside Scoop

Sexyy Red is known for her unfiltered honesty, and this time, her bluntness has stirred up a buzz in the business world. Recently, she collaborated with Au Vodka to promote their new strawberry flavor. However, the partnership quickly soured, leading the “Pound Town” artist to publicly criticize the liquor brand on her Instagram Story.

She didn’t stop there. Sexyy Red also took to The Neighborhood Talk’s comments section, making it clear she has no plans to work with Au Vodka again. “They disrespected tf outta me I will never do business wit them again!” she declared emphatically. Despite the fallout, Au Vodka still features content with Sexyy Red on its official social media, and the company has yet to respond to the situation.


Fans are divided over her reaction. Some support her stand for respect, while others believe she should have handled the matter privately. The details of the incident remain unclear, leaving many wondering what really happened. As the story unfolds, more information might emerge, but for now, Sexyy Red remains tight-lipped.

What’s your take on Sexyy Red’s public fallout with Au Vodka? Was she right to call them out, or did she overreact? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned to Honk Magazine for the latest updates.



Kwoon Unveils Ethereal Soundscape with ‘White Angels’ – A Heavenly Journey into Ambient Bliss

Kwoon’s latest release “White Angels,” led by composer Sandy Lavallart, presents a captivating blend of ethereal soundscapes encompassing ambient, post-rock, and classical influences. The track is a masterful display of emotive songwriting, weaving delicate instrumentation and evocative vocals to create a melancholic yet uplifting atmosphere.


Engineered by Martin Cooke, the production of “White Angels” showcases meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a sonic experience that is both clear and warm, with every element purposefully contributing to a rich and contemplative auditory landscape.

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Breaking Free from the Digital Echo Chamber: D’Vo The Codex Unleashes “STUCK INSIDE YOUR ALGORITHM”

In an era of ubiquitous surveillance and data analysis, D’Vo The Codex’s latest release, “STUCK INSIDE YOUR ALGORITHM,” boldly delves into the collective subconscious. This track transcends its musical form, serving as a profound critique of the digital age, enveloped in a sonically engaging experience.


Right from the inception, “STUCK INSIDE YOUR ALGORITHM” immerses listeners in a realm where the boundaries between human and machine become indistinct. D’Vo The Codex skillfully amalgamates pulsating electronic cadences with eerie harmonies, crafting an environment that is simultaneously enthralling and disquieting. The unrefined lyrics articulate the vexation and isolation prevalent in a society increasingly governed by algorithms.

D’Vo’s vocal execution is a notable highlight, exuding a tone of urgency and defiance. He fearlessly scrutinizes the tech behemoths that dictate our reality. “They’ve got you chasing likes and shares, but where’s the love?” he challenges, urging the audience to emancipate themselves from their digital confines.

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