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Artist Spotlight

A Conversation with Singer Songwriter Eddy Mann

Eddy Mann is a smile for the soul. He’s a combination of cultural and spiritual traditions living in an ever evolving neighborhood. He’s ever comfortable in his hometown Philly roots that speak of peace, and brotherly love. An award winning and prolific singer-songwriter, he’s moved gracefully through a catalog of twenty diverse albums. His hit single, “The Consequence” was a Top 10 Christian Music Weekly radio hit.

His latest album, “Chapel Songs” featured the #1 UK ITunes hits, “Hallelujah” and “Hope of the World.”  His new album is out on June 7th, with the first single being released today.  Eddy took some time to answer some questions about his music, his career, and of course, his faith…


HM: Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your single “The Humble Cottage by the Sea”? What themes or messages do you hope listeners take away from it?

Eddy Mann: The inspiration came from a gospel story that presents a theme of healing and hope. In a world that’s broken and hurting, one can only pray that a message of peace and unity might be found within the spirit of the song.


“Turn Up the Divine” is your latest album set to release soon. How does this album differ from your previous work, both musically and thematically?

EM: The album is a collection of divine stories and prayer moments that have been put to song over the past year. They’re really just a reflection of my daily experiences. The musical influences are a little more diverse than usual, but that’s just what the songs were calling for.


Your music is known for blending cultural and spiritual influences. How do you navigate incorporating these elements into your songwriting process?

EM: I don’t consciously bring influences into a song, but what I’ve been exposed to naturally becomes a part of my fabric, and then it’s re-processed into my own creativity. I’ve had a very diverse upbringing and it probably shows throughout my catalog.


“The Consequence” was a Top 10 Christian Music Weekly radio hit. Could you share the story behind that song and its impact on your career?


EM: The Consequence was released in November of 2016 on election day. I wanted to make a statement about the apathy I was witnessing. Our system only works if everyone participates. Anything less than that doesn’t reflect honestly about who we are, and how we feel. It was my hope that I might bring a few more folks into the fray and that would help in the cause.

Both “Hope of the World” and “Hallelujah” from your album “Chapel Songs” topped the UK iTunes Christian chart. What do you think contributed to their success, and how do you plan to build on that with your new album?


EM: Both of those songs took a very simplified approach musically and lyrically. I was looking for an easily remembered melody with an easily remembered lyric, and both songs seem to reflect that it was successful on some level. I’m pleased that they’ve done as well as they have.

Your career spans over 20 albums. How do you keep your music fresh and relevant while staying true to your artistic vision?


EM: I’m a student by nature, I love learning new things and I think that helps to naturally put me in new situations where I can be surrounded with challenging thoughts and different soundscapes.

You mentioned that God often appears in humble settings, such as the cottage by the sea. How does this concept influence your approach to music and ministry?


EM: As a man of faith, I never wander anywhere on my own. What I mean is that my faith is always traveling along with me, usually leading the way, and yes, sometimes correcting my faulty navigation. It doesn’t matter where I might be, or what may be going on around me, my God is not influenced by the trappings of this world.


What can fans expect from “Turn Up the Divine” in terms of sound and lyrical content?

EM: Everything was written, performed, and produced in house, under the Spirit’s watchful eye, and with the blessing of the One. So the success of the project will be measured in it reaching each and everyone that God intends.


With the changing landscape of the music industry, how do you see Christian music evolving, and how do you position yourself within that evolution?

EM: I’ve reached an understanding that I just need to be an honest reflection of myself. I don’t feel restricted or restrained by what the business tells me I should be doing, about the how the mix should sound, or about what messages are deemed appropriate. What God wants is for me to speak, write, and record what the Spirit puts on my heart, and then he’ll use it to fulfill His purpose.  


What are your hopes and aspirations for your music career moving forward, especially with the release of your new album?

EM: I have no expectations anymore. I’ve been blessed to have produce an abundantly humble catalog. So I’ll just continue to follow the Spirit wherever it leads and be grateful.


Artist Spotlight

Playlist Perfection: 7 Tracks That Will Transform Your Listening Experience!

Deezy Baby 971 – Tell Me

Dive into the hypnotic world of Deezy Baby 971 with “Tell Me.” This track is a smooth blend of modern hip-hop and R&B, with a mesmerizing beat and lyrical prowess that pulls you into a narrative of yearning and introspection. Deezy Baby 971’s velvety vocals and relatable lyrics make “Tell Me” an instant classic for any playlist.


Jiwon – Sunshine

“Sunshine” by Jiwon is the feel-good anthem we’ve all been waiting for. Bursting with vibrant energy and infectious positivity, this track is the sonic embodiment of a perfect summer day. Jiwon’s crisp vocals and catchy melody will have you singing along and dancing in no time. “Sunshine” is a radiant addition to your daily soundtrack.


Manuk – Laaa Noche Se Prende!

Get ready to ignite your night with Manuk’s “Laaa Noche Se Prende!” This fiery track is a celebration of life and energy, blending Latin rhythms with a modern twist. Manuk’s dynamic performance and the song’s pulsating beat will keep you moving from dusk till dawn. It’s a must-have for any party playlist.



Sam Kays takes us on a visual and auditory journey with “ELECTRIC.” The track’s electrifying energy is matched by its innovative music video, directed by Mathurin Daniel. The duality of the video’s warm, comedic first part and the dark, serious second part perfectly complements the song’s shifting tones and rhythms. “ELECTRIC” is a bold statement of artistic vision and a thrilling listening experience.


Chi Saint – Gemini

Chi Saint’s “Gemini” is a hauntingly beautiful track that explores duality and introspection. With ethereal production and Chi Saint’s soulful delivery, “Gemini” takes you on an emotional journey that resonates deeply. The song’s intricate layers and poetic lyrics make it a standout piece that you’ll want to revisit time and again.


Philly and Suzy – My Love

“My Love” by Philly and Suzy is the epitome of romance wrapped in a song. This swanky love ballad combines sweetness with a sexy, romantic vibe, making it perfect for a slow dance with that special someone. Philly and Suzy’s harmonious duet and the track’s smooth instrumentation create an intimate and enchanting atmosphere that will sweep you off your feet.


Young Thad F – Run Away

“Run Away” showcases Young Thad F’s unique freestyle rap skills and unorthodox storytelling flow. This track is a raw and authentic glimpse into his creative process, highlighting his lyrical growth and artistic journey. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a new listener, “Run Away” offers a compelling and personal experience that stands out in the rap scene.

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Artist Spotlight

Wildlife Control releases a vibrant and dynamic pop-infused for their latest single, “Team You,”

Wildlife Control

Wildlife Control has once again proven their musical prowess with a new track that promises to be the soundtrack of the summer. Building on the infectious energy of their previous hit, “Make Me Feel,” their latest single, “Team You,” is a vibrant and dynamic pop-infused masterpiece that cleverly incorporates sports metaphors into its lyrical narrative.


Right from the opening beat, “Team You” captivates the listener with its irresistible rhythm, drawing them into a musical journey that feels reminiscent of an exhilarating sports montage. The introduction of a catchy synth line sets the stage for what unfolds next, creating an atmosphere that is both electrifying and uplifting. As the electric guitars come into play, the song transports the audience into a sonic arena where every chord resonates like a triumphant cheer from the stands.

However, it’s the vocals that truly steal the spotlight in “Team You.” Wildlife Control’s trademark melodic pop vocals effortlessly glide over the dynamic instrumental backdrop, infusing the lyrics with a genuine warmth and sincerity that deeply resonates with the audience. Lines such as “I’m on Team You” and “We’ll score the winning goal” serve as more than just catchy hooks—they instead serve as a fervent call for unity and support, resonating strongly in today’s world.


“Team You” skillfully blurs genre boundaries, offering a refreshing yet comforting blend of modern synths and nostalgic guitars, evoking a sense of familiarity while still feeling innovative. The song’s seamless fusion of musical elements creates a rich soundscape that pays homage to pop hits from various eras, while firmly establishing its presence in the contemporary music scene.

In an age where disposable music is all too common, “Team You” stands out as a track with enduring appeal. It’s the type of song that lingers in your mind long after it concludes. It is a testament to Wildlife Control’s ability to craft unforgettable melodies and convey meaningful messages through their music.

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