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A Candid Conversation with Mr. FoW: On Creativity, Community, and the Challenges of the Music Industry

Mr. FoW, the Nigerian-American neo-contemporary artist, and entrepreneur, is a force to be reckoned with. He’s not just making waves in the music scene with his unique blend of hip-hop and R&B, but he’s also a recognized voice in the tech industry, sharing his insights on the future of work. Join us as we sit down with Mr. FoW for a candid conversation about his music, his entrepreneurial journey, and his passion for making a positive impact on the world.

Q: Mr. FoW, I’m curious, how does being Nigerian-American shape your music?

Mr. FoW: Being Nigerian-American is a huge part of who I am. It’s like a colorful thread woven through my music. You’ll hear it in the rhythms, the melodies, and even in some of the stories I tell. My parents always made sure we were connected to our roots, so that definitely comes through. It’s not just about the sound, though; it’s also about the values and perspectives I bring to the table.


Q: Have you faced any unique challenges or maybe even opportunities because of your background?

Mr. FoW: Definitely. Sometimes people try to put me in a box, like they expect a certain sound from a Nigerian-American artist. But I’m all about breaking those molds. I want to show the world that we can be complex, multi-dimensional, and defy expectations. At the same time, being part of two cultures gives me a wider lens to view the world and a richer well of experiences to draw from. It’s a balancing act, but it definitely enriches my music and my life.

Q: We’d love to know what your creative process is like, where do your ideas come from?

Mr. FoW: Honestly, inspiration can strike anywhere, anytime! It could be a conversation I overhear, a random thought on my morning run, or even a dream. I always have my phone handy to jot down lyrics or melodies as they pop into my head. Sometimes I’ll just start messing around with beats or sounds on my laptop, and the ideas kind of flow from there.


Q: Speaking of creative flow, “mDNA (ft. Duchess)” is a dope track! Working with the Duchess on that must have been awesome. What’s your take on collaborations in general?

Mr. FoW: Thanks, I’m really proud of how “mDNA” turned out. And yeah, Duchess is incredibly talented; working with her was a blast. As for collaborations in general, I love them! It’s always exciting to see what happens when you bring different creative energies together. It can spark new ideas, push you out of your comfort zone, and create something truly unique.

Q: Okay, so, we’ve been talking about your latest track and your overall vibe. But how has your music evolved over time? Have your early stuff and what you’re doing now changed much?

Mr. FoW: Well, my early stuff was a lot more experimental, I was still finding my sound, you know? I was trying out different genres, playing with different instruments and production styles. It was a fun time of exploration and discovery. But as I’ve grown as an artist, my music has definitely matured. I’ve honed in on my signature blend of hip-hop and R&B, and my lyrics have become more personal and introspective.


Q: Mr. FoW, everyone gets stuck sometimes. What do you do when you hit a creative block?

Mr. FoW: When that happens, I try to step away from the music for a bit. Sometimes, just taking a break and doing something completely unrelated can help clear my head and refresh my perspective.

Q: Have there been any major hurdles you’ve had to overcome in your career?

Mr. FoW: For sure! There have been times when I’ve questioned everything, doubted myself, and felt like giving up. I’ve had shows with hardly anyone in the crowd, faced rejection from labels, and dealt with the disappointment of projects not taking off as I’d hoped. It’s tough, man, but it’s all part of the journey.


Q: How did you get through those tough times? What kept you going?

Mr. FoW: Honestly, it’s a combination of things. I’ve got an amazing support system—family, friends, and mentors—who always have my back. They remind me of my strengths and encourage me to keep pushing forward. But I also think it comes down to having a strong sense of purpose. I know that my music has the power to connect with people and make a difference, and that’s what keeps me going even when things get tough.

Q: Mr. FoW, you’re not just making waves in music and business, you’re also using your platform to talk about important stuff like mental health. Why is giving back to the community so important to you?

Mr. FoW: You know, I’ve been blessed with this platform, and I feel a responsibility to use it for good. We all go through tough times, and for a long time, there’s been a stigma around talking about mental health struggles. I want to change that. It’s okay to not be okay, and it’s even more okay to seek help. If I can use my voice to encourage even one person to reach out for support, that’s a win in my book.


Q: Besides mental health, are there any other causes or issues you’re passionate about?

A: Absolutely! Education is a big one for me. I believe every kid deserves access to a quality education, no matter their background. I also care deeply about social justice and equality. We’ve got a long way to go, but I believe we can create a more just and equitable world if we all do our part. I try to use my music and my platform to shed light on these issues and hopefully inspire others to take action.

Q: Mr. FoW, this has been awesome! But before we wrap up, I have to ask, what’s next for you?

Mr. FoW: Honestly, I’m just getting started! I’ve got a ton of new music in the works and some exciting collaborations brewing, and I’m always looking for new ways to push the boundaries of what’s possible. But beyond the music, I’m really passionate about building a legacy that goes beyond just hits and streams. I want to create something that inspires and empowers people for generations to come.


I am Dawn Wells, an online marketer, an author of reputed online magazine, Disruptmagazine, Ventsmagazine, Redxmagazine, Fox Interviewer, Honkmagazine, Hiphopsince1987 etc.


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Travis Scott & Cuban Link Heat Up Dating Rumors—Rick Ross Takes Savage Shot at 50 Cent!

Travis Scott

Travis Scott and Cuban Link are igniting dating rumors after they were spotted together, heading to what appeared to be a hotel. This unexpected pairing has social media buzzing with speculation, but the real drama comes from Rick Ross, who is reveling in the chance to roast his long-time rival, 50 Cent.

For those catching up, Cuban Link—who previously dated 50 Cent—is now at the center of this fresh gossip. While 50 Cent and Rick Ross have had their share of public spats, Ross seems to be enjoying the latest twist in this ongoing feud.


In a cheeky Instagram Story, Ross shared a clip of Cuban Link entering a vehicle with Scott, using 50 Cent’s own lyrics to throw shade. “Many men, many many many many men -50 Cent,” Ross captioned the post. He didn’t stop there; Ross also flaunted his shoe collection, teasing his support for Travis Scott with a vow to wear Scott’s sneakers all week, leaving out Louis Vuitton in favor of the new kicks.

With 50 Cent, Cuban Link, and Travis Scott staying mum on the rumors, Rick Ross clearly sees this as an opportunity to poke fun at his adversary. What are your thoughts on this new celebrity pairing and Rick Ross’ hilarious reaction? Drop your comments below and stay tuned to Honk Magazine for the latest updates.

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French Montana Faces Backlash for Studio Session with Lara Trump, Fans Question His Loyalty to Immigrant Roots

French Montana

French Montana is stirring up controversy after his recent studio session with Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law. The Moroccan-American rapper shared a photo and video with Trump, sparking a wave of criticism from fans who argue that this friendship clashes with his own immigrant experience.

Lara Trump, who is married to Eric Trump and serves as the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, recently endorsed her father-in-law’s re-election campaign, a move that’s been met with criticism due to the Trump family’s contentious stance on immigration. Fans quickly reminded Montana of Trump’s history, including an executive order banning travel from predominantly Muslim countries and Project 2025’s plans to restrict immigrant rights.


Montana’s alignment with Trump comes on the heels of his controversial appearance with Andrew Tate, a figure known for his far-right views. This series of associations has left many fans disillusioned, questioning the rapper’s commitment to his own immigrant roots.

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