Their latest endeavor, a 2D animated film for their track “Queen Of The Spiders,” has been announced by the Canadian rock band Thor. Long-term collaborators Kevin...
Artist Steph Devine has been making waves with a unique sound. Most recently, an exceptional music artist Steph Devine from Massachusetts dropped Her new single, “You...
Artist: Lil Wondr Boy Lil Wondr Boy is a hidden gem from New Jersey and takes inspiration from The Weeknd, Juice WRLD and Lil Peep as...
Kendall Williams is an independent Christian artist and rapper based in Virginia Beach VA. He chose to join the music industry, not for money but to...
“White Beaches” by Blue Violet This song “White Beaches” is a new single from the Anglo-Scottish duo Blue Violet. Produced by the band’s regular collaborator Rob...
Prints of Monaco delivers a big-time sound with bright lights that shines for the listener on the new song “Petals Are Falling”. As soon as you...
We’ve broken down our list of the Top 20 Hit Tracks You Need To Hear (So Far) into different genres, so whether you’re into Hip Hop,...
Jerard Wiggins, popularly known as J. Manifest, is a multi-talented mogul, businessman, and music producer who has left a strong impression on everyone who knows him....
Electro indie / Dream Pop Artist Glassio Released a new track called “If Love Is All It Takes”. “I wanted to work on something that could...
New up-and-coming pop vocalis artist Cat Calabrese is making a name for herself in the industry while showcasing her unique style and talent. She consistently delivers...