ATHENA LIM emerges as a luminary in the pop-folk sphere with her debut single, “Being Someone,” the first glimpse into her forthcoming EP. Lim, a captivating...
Grace McLean, the consummate artist weaving a tantalizing tapestry of soul-pop enchantment, gifts the world with her latest single, “Albertine.” Hailing from the vibrant heartbeat of...
At-Mos, the Parisian quartet unveils a soul-stirring narrative with their latest single, “Time Must Have a Stop.” Fusing trip-hop with psychedelic rock and pop, the band...
MICK J. CLARK brings a wealth of talent and passion to the airwaves with his latest single, “It’s Over.” With his signature wit and charm as...
With roots springing from the musical heartland of London, FANTASTIC MR MARCEL emerges as a luminary. He casts his enchanting spell with the scintillating blend of...
NEW ENTMT, helmed by the accomplished musical virtuoso Tobias Bergholm, invites listeners on a melodic journey through the enigmatic hours of darkness with its latest pop...
Andy Smythe emerges as a luminary in the echoing chambers of music’s heart, weaving intricate tales through his latest rock-pop single, “Leaves to Burn.” Rooted firmly...
Diving into the ethereal soundscape painted by UNDER STARLING’s latest offering, “Changeling,” is akin to embarking on a mesmerizing adventure through the tangled web of love,...
We are glad to present a cohort of the Best Songs of 2024, which dawned with a symphony of diverse musical spectrums and compelling narratives that...
Oliver Jordan’s most recent musical release, “Secret 13,” presents a compelling work that explores the intricate emotional landscape of love, grief, and redemption. This opus is...