LOVESICK, the dynamic, collaborative force featuring artist Heather Joy Morgan, Adam Wade of the Funeral Party, and Palana of Palana vs. the Man, has bestowed upon...
“Ellis Island,” the debut single from ACTVE CAPTVE, is a refreshing sonic addition to today’s musical landscape teeming with conformity. This band, hailing from Austin, Texas,...
A new artist based in Providence, Rhode Island, VESSNA SCHEFF, has splashed the R&B scene with her captivating debut single “BUTTER.” Released on September 29, 2023,...
EtaCas, the dynamic Indietronica duo from Oxford, UK, is here to infuse your playlist with a burst of color and energy with their debut single, “Turn...
London-based artist and songwriter DOLLY DOOPS has broken the pop music mold with her debut single, “Voices,” released on September 29, 2023. This daring and audacious...
ETTIE emerges as a refreshing and unapologetically authentic voice in a musical landscape often saturated with predictability. With her debut single “Marty McFly,” released on September...
Gary Dranow’s latest single, “The Cry of War,” featuring The Manic Emotions, is a powerful rock musical narrative that unfolds passionately and purposefully, leaving a lasting...
Amidst a music industry riddled with repetitive melodies and predictable beats comes a refreshing gust of creative wind of visionary ideas from Oklahoma City’s Monsonic. With...
In an era where conformity often reigns supreme in pop music, TONYA G’s latest debut single, “Frenzy,” breaks free from the mold, offering listeners a refreshing...
Prepare to be enchanted by the unparalleled talents of multi-award-winning singer, songwriter, and visual artist Lyia Meta as she unveils her latest masterpiece, “Always You.” With...