Deezy Baby 971’s latest single, “Silver Spoon (I Did It),” is a riveting testament to his unwavering commitment to the craft. This Hip-hop/Rap masterpiece emerges as...
In her latest ethereal creation, Deirdre Forrest, a luminary of musical storytelling hailing from the vibrant community of Asbury Park, New Jersey, has once again conjured...
In a symphony of genre fusion, ALPHA CENTAURI’s latest single, “Get Your Money Up,” blazes a trail that sets the heart of hip-hop afire. Hailing from...
In his latest folk-pop gem, “Do It All Again,” James Baby, the harmonious collaboration between native East Village troubadour James Michael Kelly and producer AJ Pillette,...
AJ THE GRINDA, a multifaceted maestro of words and beats, unveils his latest sonic revelation, “MY GRIND.” Seamlessly blending his dual identities of novelist and rapper,...
Beth Macari, the soulful songstress from the United Kingdom, has again proven her musical prowess with her latest single, “Summer Feelin.” A harmonious fusion of Soul,...
In her latest Pop-R&B masterpiece, “Fairytale,” the incredibly talented VANDA takes us on an emotional odyssey through the labyrinth of her heart. This soul-baring single, a...
In the colorful constellation of pop-rock, Aliens Don’t Ring Doorbells (ADRD) emerge again, gifting listeners their latest sonic gem, “Amanda.” Hailing from a multi-country origin spanning...
In a world where the echoes of classic rock still reverberate, STRANGE COMPANY emerges as a refreshing force with their latest single, “Make Yourself at Home.”...
In the heart of Berlin’s vibrant rock scene, the enigmatic trio VLAD IN TEARS delivers an evocative masterpiece that paints a compelling portrait of unity amidst...