Graffiti Welfare released his much-awaited album, “Revolving Shores.” Drawing inspiration from an eclectic range of artists such as Tame Impala, Floating Points, and Pink Floyd, Graffiti...
Lele Rose, a talented singer-songwriter, released her highly anticipated EP titled “Can’t Stop Now”. This collection of songs is a powerful and uplifting journey that aims...
Jovi Skyler, a rising star in the music scene, is about to release his highly anticipated debut LP, “Nothing to Do.” The album features ten tracks...
In the glimmering world of fashion, Eva Zuk is a name that needs no introduction. A model, an influencer, a woman whose ethereal beauty and awe-inspiring journey captivates...
Originating from modest Cremona, Italy, Matteo Della Putta was innately attracted to the arts, possessing a profound sensitivity towards humanitarian concerns. His horizon was broadened during...
Renowned author and actress, A. E. Chewning, has masterfully intertwined her interests in history, narrative arts, and the supernatural to create enthralling novels that have gripped...
For many, the term ‘bong’ may conjure up certain associations and misconceptions. Yet, beyond any societal stigma, there lies a remarkable history of craft, evolution, and...
Addi P, the multi-talented singer-songwriter, rapper, and producer, is ready to captivate audiences once again with her latest release, “Not Finished Yet.” The track showcases Addi...
Brace yourself for a scorching new release as SKORPIO Official, the rising sensation in the music industry, unleashes his latest single, “Shot shot shot!” With an...
Pflames’s latest release, “Turn Me Round.” This infectious single is set to captivate music lovers with its irresistible beats and empowering lyrics. Pflames, the renowned artist...