Wendy Williams is one of the most famed radio show hosts, establishing herself as a strong force on the talk show circuit as well. Despite her hosting...
The police shooting of Jacob Blake, who miraculously survived seven shots to the back, sparked a renewed surge in Black Lives Matter protests, even forcing the...
It’s no secret that things weren’t always smooth sailing between Meek Mill and Wale. Yet in reality, the pair played an integral role in shaping Rick Ross’s...
After a highly-competitive Game Four, which saw Anthony Davis sink a three-point dagger to clinch the victory for the Lakers, LeBron James and his teammates have...
Metro Boomin and 21 Savage have the hottest album out right now. The long-awaited album was one of those rare ones that completely met or exceeded...
Over the years, Royce Da 5’9″ has expanded his horizon in a major way. Not only did the legendary lyricist add production ability to his repertoire, but...
YNW Melly’s family is hopeful that, once he goes to trial, he will be able to prove his innocence in a double murder case. However, after...
These days, artists have clued into the fact that limited-edition merch runs are surefire ways to secure the bag. And let’s be honest, the fans are...
It’s been a big year for both Travis Scott and Bryson Tiller. The former debuted at #1 on the charts with his new single “FRANCHISE”, which...
The Migos have been the main attraction from Quality Control for a while and, despite the roster growing to include Lil Yachty, Lil Baby, City Girls,...