“The Score” is the newest single by V of 40M, a renowned artist from the United States, released under the Forty Million Strong (40M) label. This...
“Luna Azul,” Love Ghost’s newest sonic exploration of solitude, delicately balances on the precipice of vulnerability and empowerment, unfolding a symphony of Emo-Pop-Rock infused with the soulful echoes...
Love Ghost, the ethereal musical entity hailing from the vibrant streets of Los Angeles, presents their latest sonic masterpiece, “Time Travel,” a poignant fusion of Alternative,...
PROKLAIM, the Windhoek-based luminary, has gifted us a soulful gem with his latest afrobeat-pop crossover single, “FOR YOU.” This track is a sonic labor of love,...
Capone, also known as CJ, transports audiences to the heart of his musical universe with his latest single, “Locations.” Born and bred in Clifton, VA, this...
Marc the Prophet, a renowned musician, has unleashed his latest musical charm, “Reflections,” a product of his creative evolution as an artist dedicated to meaningful storytelling....
Hey music lovers! We’ve got some exciting news that you’ve all been waiting for! The highly anticipated new single, “Trending Topic”, will be dropping on all...
PROKLAIM, an artist from Namibia who weaves a tapestry of soul-stirring narratives nestled within the creative heartland of Windhoek, shines bright with his new single, “STARFALL.”...
Let’s get ready to feel the energy! DPB’s “Undefeated 3.0 (Radio Edit)” is a vivacious mix of hip-hop, pop, and some truly inspiring vibes. This track...
Prepare your taste buds for a musical treat because the vibrant and witty rapper Exentric just dropped his latest single, “Cake Boss”, a playful ode to...