As a thought-provoking musical fire that demands attention from the first beat, “Babylon,” the latest single by Proklaim, stirs a bold and unapologetic anthem of rebellion...
Recorded at Pen Pushaz Ent. Studios and meticulously mixed and mastered by Wojtek Majewski of Audio Art Namibia, the impeccable production of “DANIELLA,” an anthemic introspection...
With expert mixing and mastering by Big Rula, MOLOMBO’s new single “Starstruck” boasts impeccable production quality, seamlessly blending genres and influences to deliver a captivating auditory...
With “M.A.N.,” SAIF, a Sydney-based hip-hop artist, masterfully delivers a tapestry that is as culturally rich as it is sonically captivating. This song is a testament...
When the pain of saying goodbye lingers, sometimes music is the best way to express those feelings. JONNY GEMS does just that with his latest single,...
B-NYCEBEATS, a talented Hip-Hop artist from the bustling music scene of Washington, D.C., ignites the airwaves with a new single, “Turn The Beat Up.” The track...
Proklaim channels the spirit of hip-hop’s golden era into his latest single, “PRICE OF LOVE aka 4 THE GAME,” a lyrical journey through the labyrinth of...
“The Score” is the newest single by V of 40M, a renowned artist from the United States, released under the Forty Million Strong (40M) label. This...
“Luna Azul,” Love Ghost’s newest sonic exploration of solitude, delicately balances on the precipice of vulnerability and empowerment, unfolding a symphony of Emo-Pop-Rock infused with the soulful echoes...
Love Ghost, the ethereal musical entity hailing from the vibrant streets of Los Angeles, presents their latest sonic masterpiece, “Time Travel,” a poignant fusion of Alternative,...