The latest release from Jonnychang, “WHEN WE LINK UP,” featuring Jada Imani, promises to be a technical masterpiece for music enthusiasts. The collaboration between Jonnychang and...
Joey P. has recently released his latest track “100 Times,” which showcases his remarkable talent in capturing the essence of human emotions with raw authenticity. This...
In a world often muted by indifference, Mac Perry breaks the silence with his latest release, “Sick of Abuse”. This emotive anthem stands tall as a...
Little Minutes’ latest release, “Crush Your Heart,” is a technical masterpiece that showcases the band’s exceptional musical prowess. The song combines intricate melodies with a pulse-quickening...
S.J. Armstrong’s latest single, “One of a Kind,” is the fourth installment in his monthly singles series leading up to his third album. The track showcases...
No Good Therapy, the boundary-pushing musical force renowned for their electrifying fusion of genres, is set to release their latest single “It’s Cinco De Mayo.” With...
R. SOL has recently released his latest track “LET ME FINISH” which showcases his unapologetic swagger with a well-crafted vibe. The track resonates with the audience...
Izzy Raye, the up-and-coming star in the world of indie pop, has just released a stunning remix of her hit single “Favorite Girl,” featuring Lukey’s dynamic...
Yazata captivates audiences from the first note with his latest single, “Promises,” a soul-jazz gem transcending boundaries. His debut release exemplifies artistic versatility and prowess with...
The Skinny Limbs have unveiled their latest EP, “Mozart for Martians,” which consists of five stellar tracks that revolve around the complex universe of emotions accompanying...