Ice Spice Set to Sizzle Alongside Denzel Washington in Spike Lee’s Thriller ‘High & Low Ice Spice, the Bronx’s own rap sensation, is gearing up to...
Paul Steward, a highly skilled musician, has recently released a new single, “I Was Wrong You Were Right,” which features the musical stylings of Jacques Wilkens....
SandalBoyKwenze, an artist from Los Angeles, has recently released a jazz single titled “Next Life.” The song is a moving expression of love and longing accompanied...
The Prickly Pair, comprised of Mason Summit and Irene Greene, have released their latest single, “Wilderness.” The musical composition takes the audience on a sonic voyage...
Sophia Stephens, a 17-year-old rising songstress, has significantly impacted the music scene with her latest single, “Fervor.” Her songwriting displays a level of intensity and wisdom...
“Hope,” the newest unleashed single from The Project, emerges as a radiant beacon of optimism, offering solace and resilience through its melody and message. The Project,...
Gary Dranow’s latest single, “Never Give Up,” presents itself as a sonic wave of resilience amidst the adversity often encountered. In collaboration with The Manic Emotions,...
Stephanie Babirak, an accomplished harpist turned singer-songwriter, has released her latest single, “Waves and Whispers.” The song is a soulful narrative that explores the nuances of...
Leo Sawikin takes listeners on a reflective journey through the transient nature of existence with his latest single, “Till You’re Somebody Else.” Following the success of...
Coma Beach, the punk rock warriors from Würzburg, Germany, unleash a sonic onslaught on the senses with their latest single, “Extreme Masochist,” off their album ‘The...