New York-based composer, pianist, and producer Nick Marks takes listeners on a genre-defying journey with “Back To Life.” Inspired by the city’s diverse music scene, the...
Warburton’s latest single, “Make It Better,” is a sonic remedy for the soul. The Toronto-based indie/folk/rock band delivers an infectious anthem that uplifts with its spirited...
Born in Kenya to immigrant parents, Binoy’s “Villain Arc” is a captivating narrative of a queer person of color. The singer-songwriter’s multi-instrumental prowess shines as he...
Trevor Ahlert’s “Kind Enough” is a masterclass in fingerpicked guitar, coupled with raw, heartfelt lyrics. The song emanates melancholy yet exudes a hopeful tone, inviting listeners...
The song “Beautiful Dream” by Izzi Stone is a captivating mix of delicate singing and complex music. The song creates a beautiful blend of melodies surrounding...
Bishvl releases “Some Say,” a captivating blend of electronic and pop genres that immerses listeners in a euphoric soundscape. As the music unfolds, it conjures the...
Alex Ceke and Dowshamy’s “Feelings and Pain (From Love into Darkness)” is a musical journey that takes the listener on a ride through a range of...
“Alive” by BUKVE is a sonic surge that breathes life into the music scene. This electrifying track pulsates with an infectious energy, creating a vibe that...
John Bog’s “Born to Be Blue” takes us on a powerful journey filled with blues music. The song is a masterpiece that showcases Bog’s deep connection...
The music duo They Travel at Night has launched a new EP called “Entropy”. The band members, Lou and Chuck, mix musical styles such as The...