During a concert performance by Rod Wave, Ari Lennox had a heated confrontation with an alleged fan who caused a disruption. In response to something thrown...
The ongoing Young Thug YSL RICO trial has been filled with chaos, with a recent security breach putting four jurors in the spotlight. Since May 2022,...
Rusty Reid, the prolific US-based artist, unleashes his musical prowess in the Folk/Acoustic realm with his latest single, “The United States of Selfishness.” A brilliant amalgamation...
Kanye West is known for his outspoken nature and controversial statements. However, his latest song, “Vultures,” has sparked outrage from anti-hate groups, including the ADL, due...
Latto has been making a name for herself in the music industry by releasing hit after hit, leaving her fans in awe of her immense talent....
Coi Leray, a rising star who is constantly in the spotlight, has faced a fair share of criticism throughout her journey. From lackluster festival performances to...
You are invited to experience a transformative musical odyssey where discomfort becomes a catalyst for strength. Yona Marie’s rendition of “Wade in the Water” delves into...
The YSL RICO trial began with a lot of chaos and objections, and even a mistrial request. Fulton County Chief Deputy District Attorney Adriane Love took...
Philadelphia-based duo Spirit Bear, formed by Maechyl Lloyd and Matthew McAvoy, demonstrates their extraordinary musical synergy in their latest rock-pop masterpiece, “Friends.” The song navigates the...
Eddie Boy’s new song, “Sweet & Sour Sugar Lemon,” is great. It was released on September 15th and is a happy song about love during the...