Bill Abernathy is a renowned singer-songwriter from Kansas City whose exceptional songwriting and captivating voice has made him a beloved artist among music enthusiasts worldwide. Since...
In an electrifying collision of genres, viral sensation Henry Chauhan unleashes his groundbreaking single “Curse Me,” a dynamic concoction of hard-hitting hip-hop rap and the raw...
With a background enriched by his association with the group ‘S-Killa’ and a history of sharing stages with renowned artists, Mac-D brings a wealth of experience...
Iona Griffey, hailing from Haverhill, UK, has released her latest soul-stirring offering, “Hero,” infused with her signature style of Acoustic music, weaving a tapestry of emotions...
CircleKSK’s latest offering, “Breaking Chains,” is a musical triumph that seamlessly blends the fierce intensity of metal and the infectious energy of rock with an empowering...
Books Of Moods, the Parisian musical odyssey crafted by Woodrow & Luth, unveils a nostalgic acoustic-folk gem with their single “Sunday Mood,” released on August 25,...
In a world fueled by ephemeral desires and fleeting connections, DAX’s latest single, “God’s Eyes,” emerges as a beacon of introspection with pulsating beats and poignant...
In celestial-inspired melodies, STELLAN PERRICK’s latest pop-soul, “Moon Dance,” is a mesmerizing ode to lunar allure. Drawing from the captivating mystique of the moon, this track...
Trummerkind’s latest single, “Beauty Queen,” emerges as a haunting anthem that unveils the dark reality behind the glamour in a world suffocated by pursuing unattainable ideals....
Chandra, the vibrant pop-rock sensation based in Bristol, UK, has once again ignited the music scene with his latest single, “Pretty.” This soaring, sing-along rock-pop fusion...