Franchón, the renowned Heavy-Hitting Diva and undisputed super middleweight boxing champion of the world, showcases her versatile talents that extend far beyond the boxing ring with...
Taija New, the Newbian King of rhythmic pop, strikes gold with her latest hip-hop/rap single, “Over Your Allure.” The track showcases her artistic evolution, delivering sharp...
Ace Truen’s latest single, “Stay Positive,” exudes infectious energy and delivers a powerful message of resilience and unwavering optimism. With influences from iconic artists like Outkast,...
FN Foxxx, a rising force in the hip-hop/rap realm, showcases his unmatched talent in his latest single, “Worth A Million.” With roots in Colorado Springs and...
Holly Real Music’s latest single, “Rearview Mirror,” takes listeners on a captivating journey of self-reflection through its enchanting acoustic-folk melodies. With haunting beauty and introspective lyrics,...
Get ready to add a new album to your playlist because on July 14th, SOBAK, the talented singer-songwriter from Daytona Beach, Florida, is releasing his highly-anticipated...
Hey there music lovers! Get ready for an exciting new album release from John Dorsch, singer, songwriter, and guitarist extraordinaire. His album titled “Elevation” is set...
Hey there, music fans! We’ve got some exciting news for you! On July 14, 2023, the amazing Americana band from Dayton, Ohio, Ludlow Creek, is releasing...
“Summer Love” by MINNA LAFORTUNE is an incredible reggae single that perfectly captures the feeling of summertime happiness. With its catchy beats and sunny atmosphere, the...
The talented artist Konen, hailing from Kalispell, Montana, has just released his newest single, “Tailgate,” which is a definite hit. Combining hip-hop and rap genres, Konen...