Graffiti Welfare released his much-awaited album, “Revolving Shores.” Drawing inspiration from an eclectic range of artists such as Tame Impala, Floating Points, and Pink Floyd, Graffiti...
Charly, the multi-talented artist known for his diverse musical abilities, has once again delivered a sensational track with his latest single, “Can’t Forget You,” featuring Ayayron....
Lele Rose, a talented singer-songwriter, released her highly anticipated EP titled “Can’t Stop Now”. This collection of songs is a powerful and uplifting journey that aims...
Aanuki, the self-proclaimed goddess of urban pop, has unleashed her latest single, “Up in the Sky,” upon the world, and it’s an absolute banger that takes...
Credit Electric, a USA-based band known for their eclectic musical style, delivers a mesmerizing masterpiece with their latest single, “House of Cancer.” Blending the worlds of...
The new reggae single, “MEK A MONEY,” by MINNA LAFORTUNE, is a beautiful masterpiece that perfectly embodies the spirit of Classic Reggae. It features captivating beats...
Quinn Sternberg’s latest jazz single, “Walking On Eggshells,” is a captivating fusion of intricate melodies and soulful vocals that transcends traditional boundaries. It demonstrates Sternberg’s compositional...
TwoMuch, the dynamic twin brothers from Lexington, KY, is making waves with their debut single, “Gator.” This hip-hop/rap gem takes listeners on a nostalgic journey, resurrecting...
The Pikey Project’s latest single, “The Genius,” is a mesmerizing masterpiece that takes listeners on a soulful journey through classic Soul and Jazz. With its blend...
Ari Joshua, a talented musician and visionary guitarist, has recently released his latest single, “Eyes of the World,” which features an exceptional ensemble performance. Collaborating with...